
I know, right? That’s not too much ask for a little bit of—but not really a whole lot of—freedom!

My uncle works in construction, so we had Stanleys for years. It’s wild to see them become a fashion accessory. The company has a lifetime warranty on the products and solid sustainable business practices, which should come into consideration if you are in the market for a water bottle. It’s like LL Bean boots a few

Depends. Do you have a penis, God-approved heterosexual feelings and minimal melanin?

Woo, an article for us water bottle-hoarding obsessives. I have a shelf stocked with a lifetime supply of decade-old Contigo Madison water bottles. It’s the best bottle I’ll ever own, and I plan to die with them.

Not super surprised regarding A&C, those pictures always looked weirdly soft core porn. Definitely shades of American Apparel. I do think that it’s been a longstanding “dream” of certain creepy people to get into these kind of areas to have access and power over people they’re attracted to

This whole thing is fascinating. Americans really will overconsume anything, just for the sake of buying shit. The experts are right - inflation (at least in the US) is your fault. Despite prices going up, you can’t help but keep buying shit you don’t need.

I’m Marla Rose, *of course* I am trying to figure out if KK is trying to be humorous and poke at herself but it’s not funny or satiric HOWEVER I *do* have a box of Trader Joe’s tissues within arm’s reach. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Thinking of guillotines for some reason.

Saw the picture and thought this was Vigo from Ghostbusters

I get the sense that this project is more about Pauly Shore wanting a job than any desire to talk about Richard Simmons or tell his story.

Jezebel has always been a bit ... inconsistent ... with who they insist should have the right to control any interpretation of their life vs. not.  

Props to Jessica Valenti (always a good writer) for wrapping it up in a nutshell:

Shore is too old/wrecked to portray the fitness guru. If we’re going comedic, I’d like to see someone like Mark Wahlberg squeeze his buns to the beat. If they make it a musical, let Timothée Chalamet don the famed short-shorts and sing about health and being kind to yourself. If it’s a Lifetime feel-good tv movie, put

Now, I watched the trailer, and despite the fact that Shore bears a striking resemblance to Simmons (the voice isn’t bad either), I’m held back by a few things. First and foremost: the biopic is unauthorized. That’s right, Simmons—who’s chosen to live outside of the spotlight since 2014—hasn’t signed off on any

A lowlight of my career is that one time Pauly called me creepy and weird for something that was neither.

Land of the free, huh?

I don’t get this either. Hitler was equally unimpressive personally, but Hitler was at least supposed to be a spellbinding public speaker in a time before TV (I don’t understand German so don’t know how true that is, but I’ve always read it). Trump looks dumb, lives in bankruptcy court, can’t even bluster commandingly

There’s nothing he could do that would make them stop supporting him. Nothing. He could break into their homes and murder there mothers in front of them, and they would probably say she deserved it.

Trump murdered hundreds of thousands of people, many of them his deluded anti vax supporters, with his criminal response to COVID.

It’s maddening that the same party that pushes book bans by hiding behind “parental rights” do not see their own hypocrisy in banning abortion.

I do think these stories are impactful.