  • Caitlyn Jenner wished stepdaughter Khloe Kardashian a happy birthday, saying, “I know I haven’t been perfect.” YA THINK? [Instagram]

Ah, so she still sucks thoroughly and completely, just in a bit of a different way than I thought.

That’s completely in line with “pro life” ideology though. Hold the woman hostage until it’s too late to abort and then leave her & her baby to rot, because none of this is really about saving children.

That ruling was such horseshit. These people literally pose as abortion clinics online. The LEAST they should have to do is admit they’re not qualified to offer medical advice.

Manslaughter with a firearm can get 30 years in prison in FL.

Nobody should be living in Florida, and I mean that 100% seriously. If you can, get out. That state is a cesspit and doomed in every way imaginable. 

I’ve seen people charged, and convicted, of murder for incidents that have far less intent to kill than this lady firing through her door because she was scared of the black lady she had a history of confrontation with.

Fuck this lady, and fuck the prosecutor.

Yes, Texas has a glorious history of ignorant governors such as George W “They misunderestimated me.” Bush, and Rick PerryTexans would rather endure blackouts in freezing weather than have the big bad gubment regulating their power grid.”

I believe the Supreme Court essentially ruled that this type of medical fraud still constitutes free speech when they ruled against California’s Reproductive FACT Act.

To quote Paul Rudd:

Not hard to imagine, as we have examples. For example, the black woman who fired a warning shot (hitting no one) and got 20 years in prison.

the only good thing in this story is that it happened here in MA so she might get a fair trial.

Yeah she was scared for her life... because she was a raging racist. 

Ladies and gentlemen...Florida’s next governor.

i always wonder why so many conservatives are so oblivious to satire. is it a genetic trait?

‘...45* added that he hadn’t faced an indictment (like this) in more than 50 years of being a “business-man”’.

That’ll be that Christian compassion I keep hearing about.

I think it was on a John Oliver that one of the women that runs some of these Pregnancy enters wanted the mothers to be cut off after 7 months. like are you serious?

I’m glad she is suing. Crisis pregnancy centers should be shut down. They could use their funding to provide supplies to pregnant women who want to give birth but they barely do that and are proud of doing nothing useful. They will lie to women about how far along a pregnancy actually is in hopes of making sure that