
I can maybe see a situation where a family member would do it. Should it be a paid service? Absolutely not.

Paid surrogacy is illegal in Canada, as well as many other wealthy countries. The US is an exception, and not legal in all states. I guess no one has thought through the implications and complications as deeply as you have.

If you don’t join my downline I’ll steal your man, hun. ✨💖😘💄🤑✨💖

There’s nothing wrong with surrogacy, but I think there’s a point to be made about how the rich turn one of the most deeply personal things one human being can do for another into a depersonalised, dehumanised commodity. There’s a(n admittedly blurry) line between surrogate and brood mare, and the wealthy sail their

This is their actual career, they’re cam models.  The writer just failed to notice this was porn advertising for the kind of guy that says woke the way old telegrams said stop.

That was just the character, you see...

So is she going to talk about that time she said all gay men were disgusting and had AIDS?

Yup. If you truly believe the awful shit that both Trump and DeSantis say, there’s absolutely no question you are better off voting for DeSantis if you want to get that horrendous stuff to become (gd forbid) official US policy.

I have tried very hard to make this point to people who are still focused on Trump’s antics, and I’m not getting very far. Trump had neither the patience nor the attention span to be an effective leader. DeSantis does.

Maybe discussing the way they sell fake “trad wife” as the lure to bring men to their OnlyFans sites would be more interesting than pretending women are actually competing here?

It’s the GOP dream future. Everyone is too stupid to make any money, or call them on their bullshit.  Except if you are white and born to money - then you are ok with getting abortions, taking banned courses, not paying taxes, etc.

“taters”?  barf.

Come on, Mes. They’re saving themselves for the right cheating husband.

We are a very stupid country.

As bad as Trump was, there’s no question this clown would be MUCH worse.

The strange thing about the Half-time Show is that I don’t think many of the kids are paying attention. It’s bathroom break time, snack time, run around time. The kids too young to see that are also too young to be listening all that intently to Rihanna to begin with. To put it another way, the people who would watch

My thoughts exactly. The payment didn’t simply require her to retract her rape accusations. But she also had to undermine Wood’s legitimacy.

It’s entrepreneurship, actually. Comparing thrifting to colonialism is fucking outrageous, and actively offensive to people actually suffering under colonialism. 

Isn’t this how every store in the history of stores has worked?

She can do it if she wants, but friends of mine who used to get almost ALL of their clothes through thrifting have been finding less and less in the way of actual usable clothing. She’s actually supporting crap like Shein because people who used to thrift and can no longer find anything, and the folks I’m talking