
It looks like she got that buccal fat removal thing too!

Almost all of this can be correct or incorrect, except for part about asking your partner.

Am I the only one who thought that was Betty White risen from the grave with blonde pigtails? Truly, without the headline, I would NEVER have identified that woman as Roseanne Barr.

How could they line up to take these shots from this government knowing that this government gave smallpox-infested blankets to the First Nations people? Gave syphilis to Black prisoners in Tuskegee? Told us there was weapons of mass destruction before they leveled Iraq and destroyed Libya?

No permanent transition methods are being used you dingleberry


This country has taken such a sad turn since Trump got elected in 2016.
And just as predicted, it’s going to take much longer to dig out of the hole he put us in.
Pay attention people, and keep your eye on the ball. 

Barbaric. I’d say give Canada both Dakotas but I like Canada and Canadians too much.

She wasn’t a bad girl, she was just drawn that way.

Jeff Golblum in “Jurassic Park” and Billy Zane in “Titanic.”

But maybe the VERY first was the animated fox in Disney’s “Robin Hood”

Finally, the answer to my age-old question “Who on this earth found Paul Walker attractive?”

He’s been suspended from work? Do they think smearing dog-shit onto someone’s face requires an investigation into the smearer’s side of the story?

I think it’s the glasses, but that picture’s not helping stamp out the image I can’t get out of my head of him screaming Spockets!’ and hitting a few dance moves before running away.

Goecke’s “impulsive reaction,” the company continued,

Workday is a cloud software company that other companies can hire to manager their HR and financial management.

Stadiums have horrible sound. It is impossible for even the greatest singers to sound decent. Lip Sync is always the way to go. It’s still her not Milli Vanilli.

He is an incredible blues guitar player, but yeah, definitely not the same star power as Joan Jett or Ozzy.

It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t a spectacle like the previous halftime shows have been. It was better than Justin Timberlake, though.

Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too.