I think at this point they’ve all very likely lasered every single stray hair off their bodies. With that said, I’ve never had a sister, so I don’t know, but is letting your sister wax your vag normal sister behavior? Because yikes.
I think at this point they’ve all very likely lasered every single stray hair off their bodies. With that said, I’ve never had a sister, so I don’t know, but is letting your sister wax your vag normal sister behavior? Because yikes.
I used to find him attractive in a playful puppy way with his old hairstyle. Now that he has Regular Grownup Dude Hair, he has lost all appeal for me.
The problem is that the marketing is drawing straight line between having vaginal “health” and having a good tasting/good smelling vagina.
“clinically-studied SNZ 1969™ probiotics”. Clinically “studied”. And what did the studies show? That this is bunk? Hard pass Kourt.
There’s a Dominican sisterhood near me that offers retreats and space in their motherhouse for short term stays. I had worked with the sisters previously and took a tour of the spaces when my husband and I split up and I considered spending a weekend or two there in silence surrounded by older women to heal, even…
I feel like there should be publicly supported, secular “monasteries/convents” where people can go and live simply, somewhat disconnected lives of doing work making them mostly self-sufficient and then meditating/reading/crafting. The idea being they could come and leave at any time.
Bart Simpson putting the “at least you tried” cake in the trash dot gif.
That looks exactly how I’d stand around a professional colleague I was required to spend time with.
I agree. I was never a Chappelle fan, but I think a lot more people liked him when he was doing what good comedy does best: punching up. He’s been punching down a lot for quite a while now, and clearly it’s not working as well for him.
So on the one hand, there’s high rates of unreported sexual assault and rape. And then there’s the “false accusations” which make up about 2% of all reported assaults. And instead of protecting men and women from being assaulted or raped, Tate has apparently decided to go all in on protecting men from false…
Per the article, she told her side of the story to The Sun, a terrible English tabloid that almost certainly paid her for the story. She also interviewed with the The Daily Mail, another terrible English tabloid that almost certainly paid her for the privilege. So, both she and Harry have garishly monetized his…
Jesus. Can anyone imagine Jezebel publishing an article about a 51 year old man dating a 24 year old woman and asking how the man is able to tolerate the young woman and speculating about her sexual prowess?
This poor woman does not deserve this attention.
There really is very little to say at this point. This guy is such a pathetic piece of shit that it would really be more surprising if he shut the fuck up for once. The real problem is all the people who are still happy to buy/listen online to his music and thus pay him money, which then elevates him to awards like…
Kentucky CPS would only get involved if she tried to take her kids to a drag show.
Aside from the tabloid thing, she seems like an all-around lovely young woman. Harry was lucky!
This all strikes me as incredibly infantilizing. Like the world feels the need to help sooth Beyoncé’s wounded pride. “It’s OK, Bey...we all know *YOU* should have won!”
How many second chances and opportunities to grow and mature are we supposed to give this dude?
While I think Kim was the first openly-trans Grammy winner, technically Wendy Carlos was the first trans Grammy winner for best classical album in 1970. I’m not sure if Wendy was comfortably out when she won though.
Beyoncé should have won album of the year for Lemonade, no question. That album was an absolute revelation, and the Grammys not honoring her for that is insane. That said, Renaissance is not at the level of Lemonade—Beyoncé won the Grammys she should have won for this more niche album (relatively speaking).