
Given the mileage that she got out of that, ‘not goodʼ is certainly relative here.”

Wahlberg is hardly a devout Catholic. He was a huge whore for many years before he got married.


Why continue to hate on Taylor Swift?  She has documented how that moment did traumatize her. She was so young and truly believed that SHE was getting booed.

Because the Venn diagram of “vain enough to agree to be on TV in a pretend show about your so-called friends” and “feel entitled to steal from people who are somehow lesser than you” is almost two completely overlapping circles?

Think he’s going right into the announcers booth at Fox Sports for like $375 million.

Okay, okay, hear me out. Did Tom retire, realize his marriage sucked, decided against doing anything about it, sign back up for football to avoid marriage, get dumped, and then decide to actually retire? I mean some people just don’t want to deal, so maybe?

This has to be hot bullshit. Not the pregnancy part, obviously. There isn’t a single contraception method that is 100% effective. The baby holding the IUD while being birthed? Bullshit. How did it get it? Basic biology and human anatomy says this is a physical impossibility. Even if the IUD got inside the amniotic

My grandmother’s first name was America.

Holland?! Shit, I had my money on Togoland in the office pool!

She should have gone with Spain, the country her stepmother doesn't come from.

It’s one thing when your competition is She-Hulk on Disney+.

Wasn’t the movie thisclose to being released when the merger between HBO and Discovery happened and then the new CEO decided he wanted to use is as a tax write off? Now it’s unreleasable?

What was so bad about this movie. I wish they would just put it on HBO Max at this point. 

I mean, saying it would have hurt their reputations is probably as honest as it will get, but these are the same people that think Ezra Miller is so talented that he keeps getting work when by all accounts he should be put to pasture.

Chad was RIGHT there, lady.

I think you're right, but also a lot of the hubbub around Kondo didn't really seem to involve her. I thought she was always pretty "Find the level of organization that works for you and makes you feel better." and other people were doing the "I only own 7 things! KONMARI!"

I recall people being resentful of “this Asian b×××h” telling them how to de-clutter their homes and, by extension, their lives. Now that she doesn’t feel the need to follow her own advice anymore, these same people are like, “how dare she exercise the same lifestyle autonomy that is ‘our’ birthright!”

Two words: Gweneth, Paltrow.