
When Spears was placed under a conservatorship, it wasn’t because the LA county court decided out of the blue to place her in one.

Now playing

According to this, almost nobody lives in some of the tallest high rises.

I feel like this isn’t inherent to men in that age group so much as it is to men in that age group who have never married (or married and divorced really young and stayed single ever since.)

The highest I’ve ever lived was 41st floor, Chicago. You can definitely feel the building sway (TMI, but you feel it the most when sitting on the toilet). Also, as of 2010, it is difficult to get a cell signal that high.

Putting the menu over her face, should have been enough of a clue for the jerk to stop filming. Does she need mental health services? Probably, but it does not help that some unethical mental health professionals were involved in her conservatorship and were more interested in money than giving her help.

Ech.. Just looked at her instagram, and you are correct. It is weird.

No one who is concerned about another person’s mental health, decides that the best course of action is to film that person.  TMZ will always be garbage and the people who read it are complicit.

Fully agree with your views on high rises for social/public housing (bad) but the above piece is referring to luxury high rises, which is rather different.

I’m 43, I’ve been married a long time but I have worked around apprentices in my union and they just don’t know what we are talking about haha. From that experience I think dating someone that much younger would be rather lonely, they have no experience with what you grew up with and you can never say, hey

You think woman in their late 30s are ‘on the cusp of menopause’?
Jesus Christ.

I turn 47 next month and have two daughters, 17 & 19, in NO WAY could I ever date someone near the same age as my daughters, it’s gross. I actually would prefer a strong woman who has life experience and will help me shoulder the burdens of life, not some kid who spends half their time on their phone looking at Tik

It’s not that the 25 year old girl is mature for her age, it’s that the older man is really immature for his age. A woman his own age wouldn’t hang on his every word like he’s some sort of genius. A young woman with barely any adult life experience would have much harder time catching on to his BS. Plus, I think

In all fairness, you are way oversimplifying the Olivia Wilde situation. It wasn’t that she just dated Styles, a younger man, but that she left the father of her kids to do it and in a really harsh way if half of the rumors are true. That Styles was effectively her employee at the time, which introduces the whole

Whenever I mock these men or the internet mocks these men, it’s hilarious that every single defense doesn’t address the criticisms. Yeah, we all know these relationships are consensual and adults can do what they want. None of that addresses the fact that these men are insecure, pathetic, and sad because they won’t

I mean, her star did shine a little brighter…but the styling didn’t hurt. 

Tina’s matching outfits for Destiny’s Child were consistently ridic, but somehow whatever Beyoncé was wearing was always slightly more flattering than what the others got. Hmmm…

And lack of contouring! 

Drew Barrymore’s 1991 outfit looks exactly like what my 16 year old daughter and all of her friends wear to school on a regular basis. They buy it all at Pac Sun. Drew looks adorable and so do the teens.

Sharon Stone is wearing her husband’s shirt.

This was great. The major differences I spotted were 1) lack of faux hair 2) lack of faux lashes 3) lack of loads of plastic surgery, fillers, and botox 4) lack of veneers. Just a lot of natural beauty shining through. I miss those days (books botox appt and twirls extension around big barreled curling iron).