He’s worried about ‘metrosexuals’, yet (looks at pic) he probably owns 3 different types of “product” for his hair, and has a Yoni steamer built into his chair...just because.
He’s worried about ‘metrosexuals’, yet (looks at pic) he probably owns 3 different types of “product” for his hair, and has a Yoni steamer built into his chair...just because.
He is so extra straight and cis that he wears women’s lingerie. Don’t you see? (I don’t. ) it’s like how Nick Fuentes is too heterosexual to have sex with women. Truly manly men don’t like women at all.
So is this guy gonna sell real estate or something now? He certainly wasn’t qualified to be in Congress, and that’s a sweetheart gig (particularly serving in the House,) by the standards of most jobs with actual real tasking, success metrics, accountability, etc.
I fear my husband every time he eats Panda Express and runs to the bathroom ten hours later.
“Will you become a man to be feared?”
“America is weak. Her sons are sickly and her daughters are decrepit,”
The doctor had been arrested just last week and had been wearing an ankle monitor.
According to the far-right cult of QAnon, an elite cabal of pedophiles runs the world and the Democratic Party, specifically.
who fucking knew that people throwing stones were the ones who needed to get stoned in the first place
It’s always projection with these pieces of shit. Every fucking time.
Ron and meat. I’d also put Ron and Tammy II above Andy and April, if only because I scream with laughter every time they go at it.
Fraser definitely did excellent drama, for example the excellent “Gods and Monsters” (at the height of his beauty), “The Quiet America” and later TV such as “Trust.”
Do any of these people “need redemption” though?
Please add Matt Leblanc to the list of himbos who need redemption.
Speaking as someone who ADORES Parks & Rec, I feel you need to view more TV romances.
No judgement on Billie’s choice of partners, but I hope she knows that as a gorgeous and immensely talented 20-year-old woman with a wildly successful career that she can “pull” ANY ass she wants. ANY.
What is wrong with Ben Affleck? I am not up on my celebrity gossip, but they seem happy, and well suited. Let them be.
I always thought the key to being a short king is to simply to be confident and secure in their body as opposed to being one of those guys who either lies about their height or constantly complains about “women only liking guys 6ft or over.”
As a 5'9" guy, I’m happy we are trending towards that being more than acceptable from taller women!