
Kevin Hart Standing Next To People is a tumblr i would follow

A hispanic/latino guy won best director/best picture, but I guess that doesn't matter.


Lego Batman is the BEST Batman.

Heh, someone somewhere said Elvis Costello was in that, but I'm pretty sure it was Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo. He was even wearing a red Devo hat thingy.

I'm sorry, but there is something very wrong with anyone who wasn't made happy by that performance. It was ridiculous and overthe top and about the best thing on the Oscars.

What show are you watching, because it must not have been the fun and yes, awesome, performance I watched. I could not stop smiling.

Okay, I'll give you that it was a lot. Clint Eastwood probably curled his lip so hard during that display that he will be in permanent rictus now. BUT, Tegan and Sarah and Lonely Island are not typical Academy fare. And everyone who got handed one of this dope Lego Oscars looks like they will cherish those more than

The designers who rent actresses million dollar necklaces and specially made gowns will have an absolute shit fit if they don't get their five second advertisement on the red carpet. They live for getting an actress to say their brand while all the cameras are focused on them. Not that the plebs watching at home can


"Why did you go to lunch with me if you didn't want to have sex?"

Agreed, except there was something about "Everybody Loves Raymond" that really made me laugh, especially in the early seasons. Nobody was more surprised than I was to admit this.


"Kanye also insists in the interview that Kim and Beyonce get along. "They love each other. They respect each other. [...] When Beyonce is working on her album she has pictures of Kim on the wall because Kim represents powerful women."

Nope, that's her personal style, and I LOVE IT. No regrets

Katharine Hepburn was not interested in awards and people telling her how great she was. She refused to accept a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Film Institute because there was simply no way she was going to sit in a banquet room while people praised her for two hours.

Hillary Swank 2005, and half the credit goes to her back.