
I just did a double take on a Stanley/Target ad featuring Adele.

It is stupid. But I still admire noted method man Daniel Day Lewis.

I feel like Jim Caviezel occupies that slot now. I can’t help think what a shame that he’s so handsome, but so crazy.

And there’s going to be a grandkid in the mix. I feel so sorry for all those kids.

This probably goes without saying, but the show Fellow Travelers might be one to avoid with mom or dad.

I didn’t understand that either. I’d also place it higher on the list, as I didn’t feel like the naked scenes lasted terribly long.

On the flip side, I can think of a few other sex crime organizations in which a man wound up with a much harsher sentence than a woman. Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman come to mind.

Yup 100% this. I think young girls tend to be more trusting of female drug dealers and pimps as well.

I’m of the understanding they will grant an annulment in cases of abuse…. or I’m guessing a sizable donation.

He was so hot in Good Will Hunting when he had his real teeth and terrible outfits. 

That’s right, we all know Republicans have zero wealthy donors.

I read that way too. It sounds like Reynolds had a teensy smidgen of self awareness. But like many others, he did not make any effort to change.

I can relate to her affinity for the bad boys. But Rick Saloman was more terrible man than bad boy.

I mean this as neutral as possible. But Pam strikes me as someone who has truly not recovered from her many past traumas.

And more catchphrases. “We are Kenough.”

Oh dear.

I think it’s weird they make fun of him for it. Very tall people face a lot of challenges. They often have back problems. They don’t fit into certain cars, planes, or theater seating. They also tend to live shorter lives. Of course….being born rich solves most of these issues.

Texas is the complete opposite of the personal freedom haven they pretend to be. They barely decriminalized small amounts of weed.

This unlocked a hidden memory of my childhood chore of using pledge on the wood tables. I was instructed to put in “Lots of elbow grease.” I felt like I never polished it hard enough.

I feel like most partners who admire one another always say the *other* one is the catch. I mean maybe it’s just false modesty, but at least it’s polite.