
They really want that. They’re calling it Texit. They sound like absolute fanatics that are in some kind of Texas cult.

“A lot of times, it would happen where I would be asleep and I would wake up to him having sex with me.”

I have been to an emu farm. They are most certainly not household pets. What is with people’s weird obsessions with making wild or farm animals into domesticated ones?

For once, I wish Democrats will fully embrace their “worst” left instincts especially the ones deemed “far left”. It is time to cater to the left wing base and stop chasing the elusive “independent”. 

I feel like he’s performed in many great roles while remaining humble and unproblematic.

Katy Perry does not surprise me all that much. I am always amused when “out” republican actors claim they don’t get work due to their views. But really they just tend to be lousy actors or Kid Rock. (Except for John Voight, I will admit he’s talented.)

I bet a large amount of celebs are, in fact, closeted Republicans.

I hate to admit this, but I think he’s a good blues style guitarist. I felt gross just saying that.

Yup. It’s been my experience people pretty far on the far right truly *believe* they’re centrist because they aren’t actively shooting abortion clinics or attending a megachurch.

I do think Chris Evans slightly outranks Chris Pine in the Chris wars.

Imagine having a friend like that? That’s so amazing, but so heavy. 

On an episode of the No Jumper podcast posted earlier this month, Aaron said he “just hit five years clean.” He clarified that he did ingest legal substances like cannabis and Xanax. “I really believe in the Cali sober method. It helped me.”

We adopted a Russian blue cat mix and we both work from home. Around us she is playful and even sometimes aggressive.

The IUD lies are still prevalent. I was told I’d feel some “pressure” which was really more like an “ice pick to the uterus”. I would still do it, but why all the lies? And why is no local anesthetic offered?

I wonder what they’d say if they could hear the noises during orthopedic surgeries. Some of that shit is legitimately horrific.

My 40-year-old teddy had to be restuffed and re-fluffed (heh.)

I am from New England and we do not have many of those types of schools there. I was indeed unaware. We have a lot of Catholic schools though, which have their own set of problems.   

Did anyone watch the Hulu doc about Giancarlo Granda and Jerry Falwell Jr.?

Yup. People in this country value a freaking embryo’s rights more than a woman’s, so of course they’ll value a baby far over her too.

I think the issue is that obesity is such a wide ranging term and the BMI scale we use to define it is outdated and flat out wrong.