
Or he should have done one of those disguised fetish videos on Facebook where he pours a bunch of pudding on the counter and calls it a recipe. Those things get a million views and get people fired up.

Oh I think she’s a jerk, but I feel like there are much bigger jerks in the industry.

Aw man, people are still shading Katherine Heigl after all these years.

Exactly. Especially in this case, where we know these two had a tumultuous marriage. I mean maybe people (like the poster above) really don’t know about overly-demonstrative hate-fucking? But this reads as anything but happy and healthy to me.

Holy crap, the Snyders from Kimmy Schmidt were based on real humans? Horrifying.

Agreed. People always romanticize old Hollywood stars, but they were just as messed up as the new ones.

I don’t think fucking loudly all the time is a measure of love. 

I think it’s plausible with a small yard, close to the street.

Tales from the HOA are probably scarier than the Tales from the Crypt.

I grew up in a very lenient HOA neighborhood. My parents paid $300 a year to maintain a playground and a few trees. No one ever measured your lawn or fined you for a large boat.

HOA neighborhood landscaping is not usually maintained by the town. But it varies on whether the homeowner or the HOA is responsible for the sidewalk trees. The despots can plant a garbage tree and then fine you if it doesn’t look well maintained.

I need to find it and screen grab it. There is so much crazy-pants paranoid gold on there

Oh sheesh. Yea that is most certainly bogus then.

I live in a Texas HOA neighborhood like this. On one hand, it’s sort of nice to not have lawns strewn with trash, broken down Chevys, and toilet planters. (I’ve lived in places where this was an actual concern). But you do have to give up a bit of your soul to the HOA.

Thank you for the recommendation. I am also looking forward to an upcoming Robert Eggers’ version of Nosferatu.

If, say, 20 of my patients claim they have a “medical reason” to abstain from the vaccine, maybe only 1 will be legitimate. That’s why we all get vaccines, to help protect that one person who really can’t get it.

Oh really? I am a medical professional specializing in respiratory care. Many people “say” they have a valid exemption, but it’s an excuse. There are very very few legitimate reasons. It’s possible he has one, but probably not. If he has a documented history of anaphylaxis, I am surprised he risked his life for a

do feel bad people were nasty to this Irish guy, but he also sounds like a dumb anti vaxxer.

My very generalized view of it-

Bible verses on notes. Or necco wafers.