Fake News! Sad

How dare you terrible fucking monsters include the absolutely deserving masterpiece that is Fleabag on this list (that last shot of the S2 finale broke my heart), but not mention the completely perfect in every way Olivia Colman. How DARE you. The master of passive-aggressive shittiness, so wantonly cast aside.

One of the most amazing things about people who do things like tailgate and brake-check is, if you talk to them about it, how absolutely confident they are that they are special and it’s always another driver’s fault. As if the fact that another driver did something stupid somehow reduces their own culpability for

I'm thinking something with a more Capt Crunch aesthetic.

I was told this material would not be on the test today.

Not a chance.  He’d probably find wearing a sash to be too feminine for a big manly man like himself.

“This” is a weird spelling of Ivanka.

Sorry, but the correct response was “What is, Annapolis?”

An answer to that Daily Double: Annapolis is home to the annual United States Sailboat Show.

You EXPECT something? Eat a bucket of fucks you shit eating dickhead!

Washingtonians have this weird hangup about the left lane of a highway where they will not leave it under any circumstances. Going 10 below the speed limit and constantly getting passed? Why not try out the left lane? Going the speed limit? The left lane seems reasonable. Going 10 above the speed limit? Left lane is

As a Washingtonian, Oregon drivers are the worst.

I always assumed that if I saw a headline with “Majestic Sky Dick” in it, it would be on either Vanity Fair or The Atlantic, and be yet another story about some fucking punk band that Beto was in during high school.

Any discipline they may have received has been kept under wraps, although the investigating officer recommended “non-punitive letters of instruction.”

Wow. “Regal fit” is just obnoxiously bad.

Thats what a POSSER would say. BRB, going to beat up some kids for not being straight edged enough.

This news was rough, which, of course, was also how his mother took it.

and barely beat a jewish senior citizen socialist... mostly by accusing his supporters of being sexist.

That piece was so bad, I think it gave me cancer!

“I think it’s very safe to say without any hyperbole that this is the tip of the tip of the iceberg,” Snyder said on Tuesday.