Fake News! Sad

Obviously most people don’t understand what Single payer means and how disruptive it would be to the economy. You think you are only screwing over the insurance companies and that you will save ooodles of dollars cutting them out. The truth is that once the government takes over that aspect they can set the prices for

They are going to lose elections right down the line.

Giving healthcare to illegal immigrants is voter kryptonite. The writers so far up each others echo-chamber butts that they have no sense of what most people in this country want or don’t want. Trump sucks but Jesus, going full Socialist is a dead-end street.

Oh don’t forget that Trump is going to bludgeon the nominee with promising to give healthcare to illegals instead of addressing the opiod/homeless problem.

Let the country that elected Donald Trump pretend to be humble.

The second season is so much better and the final scene is one of the best things I have seen on screen in a long time.  It still makes me have all the feels. The blocking, dialog, pacing so perfectly devastating.

She had to know she was using a loaded word to get the attention she wanted and then fell back on being technically correct when the back-lash ensued. These camps have been used for immigrants since Bill Clinton and the whole thing is designed to gin up the base create power for the politicians not the people.

The best way to get your revenge is to get ahead of them and keep going. Do not acknowledge their existence.

Hey hons, Merland sux.

I have had a few traumatic unplanned surgeries and it takes me a long time to look at the wreckage.  I avoid mirrors because I am afraid to see what I have lost.

Combine that with a Prius and you get the black-hole of suck.

How about the stoplight pause.

But it is a character in every movie that takes place there!

All this policy shit only matters in the primaries.  The only thing that matters in the general is who white women are more likely to sleep with. Beto is a sure fire win in that category.  Creepy uncle Joe might be and I am not sure about Bernie.

Would you keep doing a job that kills you and the only solution offered by your employer makes it worse? Yes, Self-preservation is selfish but it is not stupid. There is no societal common-good for him to sacrifice himself “playing a game.”

Her foreign policy was a disaster under Obama (ie Reset Button for starters), used the phrase Super Criminals, defended her predator husband, hot sauce in her purse stunt, couldn’t beat a inexperienced community organizer, couldn’t beat a game show host who is probably one of the worst human beings ever. Please tell

Russian Doll is the most solid plot/story

WebMD said it might be Lupus

1992 was the last time.

ELCA is but not Wisconsin or Missouri Synods