Fake News! Sad

This deserves more love

Egon von Furstenberg

I am on board with everything until you start spouting socialism. Without a truly blind and just judiciary you will have the same problems with socialism as you did with capitalism. Us white folks will still be in charge and you colored folks will still be screwed. Reform the judicial system and law enforcement and

I am positive Hamilton Nolan or Maxine Waters

What about Pink Collar? A term only white-business reporters use to describe dead-end jobs held by people of color.

I can’t wait for your children to rebel against your Stalinist revisionism.

Is it the standard scraggly Lower Oregon Grape or the Charity Mahonia which has straight stalks and blooms in the winter and attracts humming birds in the winter as well?

1 I will stand at my watch
and station myself on the ramparts;
I will look to see what he will say to me,
and what answer I am to give to this complaint.[a]

When he wanted in they shunned him, “You’re not one of us.”

I don’t know if he is an idiot. He got this far and he is getting his $3 worth. This revenge is a long time coming.

Did I leave my phone in here?

Super honkey here. My brother-in-law cop would “joke” and say shit like, “I like shooting cans: Mexi Cans, AfriCans” and “Mexicans are like pool balls: The harder you hit them the more English you get out of them.”


Trying to keep blacks out of Florida.

Trying to keep blacks out of Florida.

froot luip

Because, fuck that guy.

a toofer