
I worked at a warehouse that was all men (they said women would just slow down business) and fellow employees and even the boss would get on the walkie talkies and say sexist and racist things like, “no means yes bitch!” or, “white power!” or, “kill the n*****s!” and everyone would laugh. The HR was the wife of the

From first-hand experience, it can take years to change corporate culture. There are no quick fixes, and dismissals and resignations sometimes just end up being band-aids that make everyone feel like they’ve made meaningful change before they fall back into old habits

Found ‘that guy.’

As someone from the Philippines, I may have some theories about this.

Want to defeat your opponent without even playing against him? Simply tell the local Duterte Death squad that you saw him doing drugs.

Yep, I had forgotten all about how strict their drug laws are. Very salient point.

Ah, yes, the Philippines. I forgot how “enlightened” they are about their drug war. I honestly had forgotten how brutal their laws are about that.


It’s astonishing to see how the Philippines copied the idiotic US drug war and then took it up a notch. Testing for weed because.. reasons? I don’t think I’d risk playing video games in that country, or I might end up murdered by an officially sanctioned goon squad.

The “american people” voted for Hillary Clinton though.

Yes let’s trust the american people to do the right thing. (oh fuck)

Good thing both parties are the same right guys?

Yeah, but during the election we COULDN’T TELL over the awfulness of HER EMAILS.

If only we could have had a sign during the election to let us know!

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and not lose any votes.”

Turns out, he was not exactly wrong about that.

You know, I’m beginning to think that Donald Trump isn’t as great of a person as he says he is.

Lol, sure they are.

Cue alt-right meltdown