
You can’t google abuse statistics and then google crime statistics by demographics?

Exactly those that make a bee line to the top will probably have worse weapons compared to those scavenging for weapons. The fastest player who knows the routes will at least have something to defend themselves with but the ones after them will be able to offset their weaker position with better firepower.

And also:

SIGH. Every time this story is updated:

I could maaaaybe see that? They don’t often release AAA Final Fantasy games, and I guess stuff like Deus Ex and Tomb Raider are infrequent, so maybe they don’t really release AAA stuff every year.

It’s fine, I’m moving this spring across the country so I wouldn’t have time to play it anyhow, which as we know is all that is important: Me.

The one reason why I am willing to wait for the PC version: bow guns (with m+kb controls). Well, that and free multiplayer.

Yeah well that reasoning is pretty much the exact reason it’s been allowed to stand. Watch the video linked above.

How about we...oh I dont know...let women do what they want and stop trying to police them? Radical idea I know...

I started planning the long, detailed comment I was going to type, complete with concrete examples and bulletproof reasoning, from multiple viewpoints, but then decided against that in favor of brevity.

The only person that Trump would ever attempt to revive for any reason is Ivanka.

Oh my god. I hope it’s about him sending his daughter off to college and having to come to terms with her disgust at him, his faded relevance, and a world that doesn’t square with his sensibilities.

Because its always necessary:

Yes, wokeness is of black origin and speaks to an awareness of social justice and racial justice. Handing it over to white women without the slightest hint of irony is peak Jezebel.

Gaming fandom is a cancer. Holy shit, this is embarrassing as a human being.

what say you Mr Qualye.....

are you telling me that the jade egg in my pussy isn’t removing toxins?

Internet comment sections literally ANY time a medical/scientific/psychology professional even glances at gaming with a critical eye.

As a former WoW player, and fan of the lore, the WC movie was a solid, meh-it-was-ok-because-I-already-like-the-universe. If you were not already in the know, a name-drop like Moroes, or mention of the names of places they go are going to have no effect and the movie will bore you to tears. That being said, 10/10 for