
Everyone pack up, no need for further discussion.

It should have been called ‘Competitive Gaming’ from the start. Even the moniker “E-Sports” is dripping in desperate hopes of validation.  

YES! Exactly. That is what the whole “Video games are sports!” argument comes down to!

Because video gamers are in constant need of validation, and the sense of respectability that having video games in the olympics provides is very attractive to some people.

thank you! This is what I’ve been saying. There’s actually less money for them to compete in it. Do your own thing - get better sponsors that don’t have to align with “Olympic values” and make more money. Don’t see a single upside to it being in the Olympics.

Why would esports want to be in the Olympics?

But... you get that you have a bad personality, right? That you’re an abrasive, unlikable person who acts like an asshole unprovoked to strangers on the internet? Like, sure, I’ll give it to you that microtransactions are very important and everyone who feels differently from you is a sheeple, but I’m trying to figure

Alright. Let me make it simple. There are people that purposefully take advantage of older people, offering them terrible deals on refinancing their houses, offering mortgage scams...there are also people who take advantage of the desperate offering “payday loans” with ridiculously high interest rates.

I would also ad, suck it up is such a hypocritical response. It goes way more to the people who can’t hear, “That hurt my feelings,” or, “What you said was bigoted,” without 16 lines of QQ explosion. Suck it up — seems always a double standard response. How can you say “suck it up?” Without being a hypocrite? Why does

A lot of commenters have suggested that in previous articles. A thick skin is necessary for online gaming, don’t get me wrong, but these commenters fail to understand that harassment in games is a reflection of a real-life culture that pays women less in the workplace, resists healthcare coverage of birth control (but

Ice Cube said it best when he was on Real Time a few weeks ago: Rap had a political edge to it. It was talking about doing great things in the community and about the government. At a certain point, mainstream media decided lets not promote them. What they are saying is incendiary. Lets deal with escapism rap:

But that rudeness is so, so classy.

I think this might violate the Hippocratic oath.

Trumps foreign policy and environmental stance are no different from how HRC campaigned. If anything, Trump isn’t escalating with Syria, Russia, and Iran as much as HRC promised.

If I have the options of either being dragged down an aisle with my pants undone in order to undergo resuscitation attempts or dying, I know which option I’m going with. Please don’t waste time trying to find a fucking blanket to throw over me so that my undergarments don’t offend overly-sensitive idiots nearby.

It must be bad when even the judge is fleeing the country.

Things a bigot says.

Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer when journalistic and media outlets provide the gamut of information about a storu, so that I don’t end up speaking out of turn due to not knowing enough about the story due to a lack of additional context.

My response as to why Jezebel should’ve stated that Rep. Artiles is Cuban is because Hollylujah, who I responded to, called him an Aggrieved White Male. If Hollylujah called him that because Jezebel didnt state that Artiles is Cuban, then Jezebel didn’t do right by their own readers and even the most basic standards