
Thats some grade A classism right there.....

I get this dudes intention. It’s not against the rules so why not? Reminds me of running trains in Everquest on SZ ( only server where training was allowed).  Nothing more enjoyable then watching an enemy guilds multiple hours of work vanish in the blink of eye.   The lesson?  When singing campfire songs in a pvp

I have a bunch of close friends in the military or retired vets who don’t act this way, but seriously... There is a well documented rape culture in teh military, and ‘Just the Tip of the Spear’ wasn’t some fringe group. Good god.

That’sfuclimg common though, across all ethnicities and genders. White ladies can’t resist my georgous Incan/Arab locks, and im a scary looking dude who doesn’t like to be touched. Black girls too for that matter. Not a defense of this behavior just personal space/respect is a general American issue.

New dad here, longtime professional mentor. I always make sure to use dad jokes as the primary reinforcement on discipline issue. My poor child is in for hell as he grows up....

Best article title ever. I’m dying. Went straight to comments section for more rage.

Stop. Being a victim doesn’t mean you can’t be an abuser too. She had issues and was abused, she also murdered her own young child, in a horrifying manner.

Community Policing, a hilariously uncommon experience.

No slight unanswered, every challenge met, no transgression left to fester.

This is an important take. I’m in an interracial relationship, and I’m Arab/Peruvian, my wife is Irish through and through.

HIPPA and people stilll face stigma for abortions. Which would be an issue if you wanted to use the footage in court.

Bad news... all men waatch more porn than have sex.

Haggis is great, EAT MORE OFFAL!

His tactic is working absurdly welll. You’re the first one to realize hes trolling

Ya no childs ever been affected by shooting their mom, watching dad get arrested and ending up in fostè care. You’re a clown ass.

Buddy ypur opinion means nothing, yoyr obviously an armchair activist.


Lucky for us most adult gamers have years of backlogs to get caught up on. Im still clearing the witcher 3, pillers of eternity and xcom 2.

Growing up my mother frequently referred to me as a mercenary. Usually in reference to how I played board games with my friends. 

Sometimes life isn’t fair, like when you suffred through and continuing oppression and all you got was the right to take back the violent language used to oppress you.