
?  People don’t always pee themselves when they have siezures.....

Assuming the 13 y/o kid was robbing cars, here in MA that isn’t even old enough to go to a Juvenile, hardware secure facility. Even when we get 14 y/o’s with violent enough crime to merit this sort of stay they are rarely here for more than 1-2 months and certainly not dead. Unless this kid was actively firing at this

It’s not a court of law. Flight Crew can remove you for burping too loud and you got no say. You can try to sue them for discrimination but you’re getting off the flight.  

Your retelling and Kanye’s make it sound like activists shouldn’t use strategy and tactics. The same is true from abortion to gay rights. When trying to cultivate empathy and impact one must use weapons that are effective on the target.

I just took a job in the MA Dept of Juvenile Services at a detention unit. Theoretically we’re part of the rehabilitation process, as DYS has been separated from Law Enforcement in MA. The population is like 60/30 latino and by god is it depressing to listen to how these young men treat and interact with women. They

Holy shit.... how did i not realize this man was Tealk(Sp?)   Wow I am fucking old and out of touch.

Makes think of Straight Edge kids in the hardcore scene’s back in the early 2000's. Seriously it’s cool to abstain from anything but why do it if it isn’t helping you in some way.  Alcohol?  Obviously. Weed?  Still obvious.  Sex?  Where is the fucking science!

Dunno about the king part but I’m 5'6" and me and the wife have sex *every* night unless I’m working or we’re going out. And were’ 7 years deep in marriage with a 2/5 yo. Yah I’ll brag a little

The heart wants what it wants.... Bro.  All kidding aside people love side characters in hats.  

He is the boba-fett of call of duty.  I mean where do you think the idea for “CoD: Ghosts” came from.

BPD are fucking dogs.  So many fucking run ins with those fucking cowards, every single one can go suck on an exhaust pipe.

Management and ‘The Company’ are generally used interchangeably, but go off.

I’d rather lose my job than be accountable for the damages to a pornstar/streamers who broke their back.  Seriously the damages are going to be a lot heftier than a month or two of unemployment while getting said unemployment benefits.

They might get the blame but they won’t get the bill, lucky for the working man.

Yes the sharing of responsibilities is key to a marriage, so is playing to strengths with ones partner.  But “Needing” ones partner to pack ones lunch is some wack ass shit.

Who the fuck needs their spouse to pack their lunch?  (Rhetorical I know who)

its definitely more common and kids arent growing out of it due to the increased level of isolation from tech.  also covid.

oh buddy, aren’t you adorable.

See that’s how I know you hate Freedom and support Fascism, cause you are literally stating that you want a dictator.  Good god.

It is dictating how a private entity can conduct business and expected conduct. It’s a set of rules where the GOVERNMENT restricts a NON-Government entity from operating in a way they perceive as harmful and distasteful. That is an oppressive use of governmental power, just because you support the endgame doesn’t