
The only reason Nymeria didn't go with her in the show is that the showrunners are allergic to the costs of using the direwolves - probably not the financial cost, but certainly the cost in time.

40 on the under, 5 on no one dying, 5 on Olly - but not because of the murder plot. I'd put a very conservative amount on the dhamphair, Hot Pie, and Lancel. Actually, I think Lancel has a better chance of dying than most on this list.

*with him and Paige walking into the FBI office.

So you're hoping for a…pod perdson?

Man, I miss Chloe King.

he was, I thought…? talking briefly with the secretary before flying to Chicago?

Agreed. The only thing that saved it was the "Oh, boy." Quantum Leap for life….

Yes. It takes a while to start, but it _never_stops._

You just made today not suck so much. Thank you.

That is absolutely not what I argued. I agree with most of what you've written. I think that the first two seasons were some of the best on TV. And I've enjoyed a good chunk of Season 3. These characters and events are usually so much more, so much better than their archetypes.

It's more than just a trope, though. It's a cliche. And those are signs of lazy writing.

Her I did, yes. My bad.

No, he's in the inner circle. I also don't really think they'll kill Carrie. And wgaf about villains of the week.

so…basically the definition of fridging. Fridging is just lazy writing. I expect better from this show.

So who's next to die? Rebecca? Carrie? My bet is Allison. They've already killed all the other african american people, after all. Of course it can't be a white male.

Even after all this time, I still get confused when anyone on this show uses the name Reese. This review had me trying to think of when the hell Shahi smiled at a cop this ep….

Huh. No love for Third Rock From the Sun?

doesn't excuse them wasting her for the rest of the time she's been on the show.

Hey, Banshee - Fuck You. Sinceriously.

That was a spectacular opening shot…