
Right?! If Douche-Bro McRapey gets convicted, that attorney will be facing a malpractice suit in no time. Ugh, I hope the OK Bar Association looks into his bullshit.

I grew up in a missionary family - even did a short term mission myself once as a teenager. My mother does missionary work in Kenya. I'm... not really surprised. I mean... this guy is a monster, totally. But to be honest, missionaries creep me the fuck out. It's like they have to go halfway across the world to find

When it comes to Western countries (bar Italy) i wouldn't say that legal system in the US is better, also his victims are not white and American so i would be surprised if he got away with it, in the US white people can kill us and still get away with it.

Gross. No. STFU.

Jesus Christ, I thought that story about the Craigslist gun nut who killed the pregnant teenager and her boyfriend yesterday was a low point for humanity. And, just like clockwork, along comes a guy RAPING ORPHANS.

Very very incredibly sadly, this is not NEARLY as rare as we would like to think it is. It actually ends up looking much like the Catholic church's coverups over the years. A missionary in X country is accused or caught doing something, and instead of prosecuting him, firing him, or even just sending him home, they

So, I'm a criminal defense attorney and I speak to the media from time to time about the horrible things my clients are charged with and I defend clients who do horrible, horrible things. I would NEVER use the phrase "pseudo-tribal psychological voodoo". Like, ever. It makes the attorney sound insane!

<prepare for hatemail>

This is one of my rare "Screw the legal system and put this motherfucker's nuts in a slowly-tightening vice grip" moments.

You don't fuck with kids, man. You just don't do it.

</prepare for hatemail>

This too:

The most punchable face in the world right now, if not the most hit-with-car-able.

His lawyer used the words "pseudo-tribal psychological voodoo" in an attempt to explain what happened? Done with this world.

What I hate more than catcalling is when women are called bitches for not responding positively to the harassment. It happened to me recently - someone in a passing car learned out, whistled at me and shouted "nice ass" as I walked with my daughter. I flipped them off and was called a bitch. Oh, sorry, I didn't

That's really interesting. I find that these scenarios happen to me a lot: random men striking up conversations with me in lines, planes, etc, trying to keep the convo going for a very long time. Or—and this is the worst—approaching me when I'm reading alone in the park by my apartment, asking me a few questions, and

An ex of mine used to say "Women never compliment my appearance, so I actually think this sounds nice and I would appreciate having people say those things to me."

I don't think there is an "invisible mode." A friend of mine tried to stop her dog from going after a skunk and got herself sprayed in the process. She went to the store at 11 at night to get shampoo to try and get the smell off of herself and her dog and still got hit on. Apparently even smelling like a skunk isn't a

7. "I was just being friendly! People are so cold and rude to strangers these days."

Ugh. It's hilarious/frustrating how the whole "real fear of bodily harm" goes completely over some people's heads.

At least in the video accompanying this story she's in broad daylight. I work in downtown Minneapolis as well, and as long as I wasn't moving into an enclosed stairwell or parking ramp immediately afterward, I would feel pretty safe confronting a street harasser during the work week; there are plenty of people around

Oh EXACTLY. In their minds they're picturing a beautiful woman saying something dirty with a wink, not someone they find unattractive. This also explains why they argue that we would look at it completely differently if a "hot" guy was harassing us. Um, no.