
Infantilizing minority men is a huge problem and minority men and women contribute to the idea that black and brown men should be held to to a lower standard than white men. It's the reason why black women are always told that they have to "work with a brother".

yeyeysyesyesyesyeesyes. Men of all races do this ish. And its the women of color who are the ones who suffer most. Is there a groundswell thing happening of ladies being more vocal about this stopping? My rage is so fierce. The other day a man yelled at me 'Hey Pretty. Hey Pretty" then when I didn't respond "Well fuck

which is part of the totally fucked up problem.

One night going home from a party I was harassed by these 3 guys who were following me. It was quite a dark street but I was very close to a crowded area. (I live in Amsterdam and have never felt unsafe here, even walking through a park at night.)
I told them to fuck off. One of the guys was suddenly next to me and

So women are supposed to be the sacrificial lambs so men of racial minorities can feel less marginalized? I will not feel even a little bit sorry for saying, fuck that.

I agree in the sense she doesn't seem effective sometimes. Half of it is she's using language that maybe isn't the most accessible or familiar outside of feminist circles, and half of it is they're not seeing her opinion as important in the first place.

I used to like to just get up as close in their faces as possible and bellow "APOLOGIZE." Any word that'd try to pop out of their mouths would be cut off with another "APOLOGIZE."

He wasn't saying exactly that but I guess he was basically saying that. If it were a white dude, go ahead and shame them all you want. If it's a minority male, maybe your efforts are better spent ignoring it...

What? Your boyfriend's an idiot. "Men have such little input in society", yeah, except we fucking call all the shots and make all the rules, except for that.

I mean, would your boyfriend agree it's okay for women to be homophobic because they experience sexism?

Your boyfriend is wrong.

So his point was that women should just allow themselves to be marginalized even more because (some of) these guys are also marginalized?

Women are minorities by virtue of the way they are treated. We got the vote later, we are still considered less-than, we still don't have parity in positions of power. And minority women get street harassment, as well. So let's get men to check their privilege. Sure, some have their own struggles - but that does

What a weird take on the video.

I'm not so polite. I'm a middle aged woman, so it doesn't happen to me much anymore. I was out bike riding and a man came out with, "Oh, so you like to ride!" wink wink! My response:

FUCK THAT. Calling out sexism has nothing to do with whether these men are "marginalized" in some way.

Yeah, I totes worry about her safety. Wasn't there recently a story about a girl that got shot cause she wouldn't give some dude her phone number?

I get where he's coming from, but there's so much to unpack with those guys that it's not fair to just dismiss them. Especially the guy who dabbled in some anti-black misogyny in order to compliment the videographer ("Oh your hair is so much better.")

She actually addresses this issue in the FAQ on her website:

There are different kids of privilege. Just because someone is marginalized in one way (racial, socioeconomic, etc.) does not mean they cannot contribute to the oppression of others (e.g. women). Calling these men out on their behaviour does not dismiss the oppression they face themselves.