Other pearls of "wisdom" forthcoming from Slay0r: "Why don't you just leave?"
Other pearls of "wisdom" forthcoming from Slay0r: "Why don't you just leave?"
Yeah, not in this economy, troll.
The bunny speaks French?
I had an ex who "joked" about his hatred of cats and also about killing the kitten I rescued when she was less than a day old. I fed her very two hours for weeks.
It's strategy. They do it to hurt the woman. Same reason they kill the kids———-who themselves might be the result of birth control sabotage on the part of the guy in the first place.
I used to have a bunny who pushed the cats around mercilessly—————when she wasn't snuggling smugly with them. Then again, when I first saw her her she let know she had picked me so get on with it already.
They'll kill kids to get back at them, too.
Abusers like to hurt people or things to get at women.
Oh, bullshit. Men never get asked because their family is assumed to exist FOR him. Women get asked because it's assumed that all women are just housewives and that's all they should do. A guy's family is his staff, but women are just the people that do the dirty work so Dad looks good.
Well, six of one, half dozen of the other....it's like those stupid, patronizing, condescending, "how to avoid rape" tips. The second question is impossible to ask because it's all about blaming women. Fathers never get asked because it's known and accepted that women get the rag end of the deal. The second…
Don't blame this on Slate or Jezebel. Women have always been set against one another. The "Mommy Wars" wouldn't exist if women weren't expected to be naturally perfect at mothering, and blamed for everything while dads get every last shred of credit.
Heh, typing in kinja on a smartphone is an exercise in masochism as it is. I didn't feel like looking up "German word for end of the gods" before caffeine. :)
Troll harder.
Go look up "hyperbole" and get off that goddamned cross.
Bush was born on third and acted like he hit that triple himself.
It's called, "You got all the power, you get all the ribbing, too."
Your faux outrage has been faux noted.
Seriously, do men EVER get asked this? It's assumed they provide the truly valuable parenting ——intellectual, spiritual, political, whatever——while women just wipe asses and do the shit work.
Punctuation, dipshit. Don't come back till you can speak and write basic English.
"Whose", dipshit. Not "who's."