Troll better, asshole.
Troll better, asshole.
Stein has always been creepy as fuck about women. He's one of those dudes who excuse their present-day raving misogyny by claiming that once upon a time they were devoted feminists, but then they tried to open a door for a woman AND———I feel like there ought to be a dramatic musical interlude there: DUH DUH DAH DUM!
Exactly, but some people here hate feminists so much that they'll dress up MRA talking points in pretentious "getting-the-most-out-of-my-degree" language and claim it's totally a different thing that way.
"Cindy" is a troll who is doing what MRAS usually do:
Given that the most frequent, severe, and numerous DV injuries ARE inflicted by men on women, what is wrong with saying it's gendered? It is. "Cindy" is citing tiny population groups while being curiously reluctant to discuss the group that kills, rapes, and batters the largest number of victims.
"Cindy" is no centrist and probably no "Cindy." She appeared just as I demanded cites from a male troll who cited the CDC data but twisted to interpret it in the most MRA-friendly way possible. "Cindy" stated that the "more female" a relationship is, the more violent it is. "She" also stated that men are at a…
Fuck off "Cindy." You're just shitting out MRA bullshit without any cites.
You really need to hide your little MRA agenda better "Cindy." Gay men commit more violence against men than women do. Now bugger off back to whatever KKK lite MRA group that shit you out.
Nice try, troll who registered just to use the new MRA talking points about this before disappearing.
That's like saying the NAACP and the KKK are just as bad as each other.
Vaccines are not debatable.
She works in porn. She wasn't trafficked in. Nor is she a child. Try not to be so transparent next time.
Fuck off, troll. Go back wherever you whinyass tittybabies congregate. You haven't offered one fucking source you pathetic little fuckwit.
If MRAs cared about violence against men, they'd be more concerned about gay relationships, because those are more violent than female versus male. Abusers really want to claim they're victims, and cops are predisposed to listen to men......not women. They'd also be concerned about gay parents, because they're…
Yeah, no. #banfathersday was proven. MRA positions ——-that women are lying whores who are to blame for every difficulty men encounter———-aren't about rights they're about hating women.
Isn't it amazing that he has a convenient friend of precisely the gender and job description under discussion?
"Satire" has a definition that Elam's bullshit does not meet.
Well, Hermione can't stand fact checking so much that she deleted my reply.
The video? IN the article? All right, you're done.
Ah, the "SATIRE" excuse. Said whenever some loser says something that he is totally serious about, like telling guys to beat women and acquit all rapists.