
Did you watch Firefly? She's even spookier there.

I'll absolutely agree with that.

No, you've bought his scam.

I understand perfectly. I watched Kaufman blow up from a mildly-amusing one-joke bit to a seriously self-impressed and over-rated joke.

A couiple of reactions - not to the actors, but to things said in the commentaries:

More wasted bandwidth.

About the second CD i bought - back in 1986 or so - was The Gaslight Tapes - Dylan before he had officially released anything.

"Dawn's in trouble. Must be Tuesday."

The gang scene in Escape from New York was shot in a then-uncompleted MARTA rail station -over a hundred feet underground and dug out of solid granite.

I forgot the mountains.

While the actual city in Hill Street Blues was fictitious, it was obviously closely-based on Chicago.

A Jackie Chan film - Rumble in the Bronx was shot in Vancouver, and it wasn't particularly obvious - until they showed the sun setting over the ocean

Atlanta often stands in for other cities - i remember the Sunday morning, back in the 80s, when my girlfriend and i set out to hunt the wild McMuffin, and on Peachtree Street, a block from Piedmont Hospital, we encountered one lane taken up by an LA traffic jam - dozens of cars with California plates, including a VW

Heh. Tim Roth? Took me quite a while to connect his later roles with the punk kid in Ray Davies' 1986 short film Return to Waterloo

Rob Leifield (or however he spells it)

Most male superheroes seem curiously lacking in the groin area in those tight suits…

Heh. I worked in one of Mike Thevis's porn stores in Atlanta in 1972, and that was pretty much what i saw from customers.

If you find yourself part of a fiasco, make spectacles of yourselves, so you'll at least have glasses for the wine.

I googled them, too, and i flashed back to what my wife - not a comic fan - said many years ago: "Most young men would never admit they'd never seen a live naked girl. Most comic cover artists seem to like to boast about it."

I wasn't reading a lot of comics then - and most of what i was reading was from DC. PAD's Captain Marvel and Hulk were among the only Marvel i even glanced at, and so i never even noticed this … thing … polluting the local comic chop's shelves.