
The bending is happening in the front pockets. There would be no story if it happened in the back pocket.

"...on the iPhone 6 bending semi-scandal"

There's so much denial with Gizmodo bloggers.

This is a fact. A long time ago, they used to stress test phones like they do cars. Yes the phones have changed. The demands have changed.

What hasn't changed is the way people treat their phones. They still stick them in

If I put my new phone in the same pants pocket that I put the old phone and the new phone is damaged. The new phone is inferior.

> implying that people care about the reasons their phones are bending and not the fact that they are.

No need to excuse Apple, like I wouldn't excuse any other manufacturer responsible for this sort of design flaw.

That's the Apple I know. Just deny there is a problem and if there is, blame the customer. Then quietly bring out an improved version.

"The bottom line is that if you use enough force to bend an iPhone, or any phone, it's going to deform,"

The bottom line is that if you use enough force to bend an iPhone, or any phone, it's going to deform," a senior VP at Apple told The Verge.

"Yeah we really test these things. Exhaustively. Here's a single, solitary pic of our 'test equipment.'" "Well there you have it folks, Apple does some exhaustive tests, as you can see here..." Yeah. Gonna need like...some numbers. Maybe some documents on HOW they test or WHAT their tests are composed of. Or maybe

Oh Jesus, I love it when you let go and come brawl with the rest of us rabble in the comment pits.

And let's not forget Antennagate, which was repeatedly denied until there was no room for more denial shit (and yet Jobs managed to come back and spin crap around, as he used to, with the unofficial Apple press corps and the other idiotic fanboys clapping on the sides).

Actually, I'm just poking fun at Gizmodo's reliance on an Apple press release as evidence that the problem can be dismissed. Don't forget, this is the same company that turned thousands of brand-new iPhones into iPods with a software update and has yet to acknowledge responsibility for it.

I didn't realize that Kirk Cameron = "Christians." I thought he was just one flaming idiot of a moron who happened to be Christian-flavored.

They're ridiculing young Earth creationists. Deservedly so because the evidence shows they are wrong. Not all Christians refuse to accept evolution and I've never seen an Io9 writer claim that all Christians are YEC believers. Why don't you go back to Fox news and whine about the war on Christmas instead?

Growing up we all went to church on Sunday. To this day my brother still leads a monthly bible study retreat. And yet every member of my immediate family understands, in at least a basic way, the underlying principles of biological evolution by means of natural selection.

Why does Kirk Cameron enjoy ridiculing secularists so much? See what I did there?

I don't think They're ridiculing Christians, i think they are ridiculing Kirk Cameron. God.. I hope all Christians aren't clones of Kirk Cameron.

Being Christian and being ignorant is not the same thing. I don't see anything offensive for one's Christian beliefs in this article.