In wa state radishes I let pod out, bees constantly all over it.
In wa state radishes I let pod out, bees constantly all over it.
Yeah Strawberries and radish bushes seem to grow well even up here in a very cold WA state. And radishes can be grown even if you really suck at growing stuff. No, do not take it for the root. Take it for the leaves and the pods if you want bees. Also you will get lots of seeds too. You will have to trim it a lot. But…
Well, we can ask them to give out radish packs instead. The radish plant does eventually flower and it grows VERY fast. It is hard to get rid of in your own garden BUT it doesn’t invade other people’s garden from what I saw. Also You can eat the pods and leaves. :) It is about the most wonderful plant and I got so…
What I find confusing is people saying the Wii U failed when every single game outsells PS4 games except Uncharted 4. And 3DS which has similar install base... holy crap. Yeah talk about blowing Sony and Microsoft out of the water in game sales. their top ten sold more than PS4's top selling game Uncharted 4 which…
Because it is fun. They actually made the two versions more different this time by making one take place at a different time of day than the other. So if you like night battles or day battles. It also determines the legendary you get.
But really, it is a lot of fun. And it is fun to play with people in person at my…
We have more than Taco Trucks in Portland. Sushi Trucks, Viking Soul Food Trucks, Teriyaki Bowl trucks, and of course those fake healthy food stand trucks that just give vegan only food. XD Mexican trucks are in a lot of places. I actually think they give out superior Mexican food to most places here in the land of…
If you payed attention at all, you would have known form the start it was going to be more like the Safari Zone.
Yeah it just isn’t fair. I walked for hours looking for Pikachu because it was on my radar... I looked on Pokevision it wasn’t in my entire city. I really just needed to know if I was wasting my time at that point. :( It isn’t fair when the nearby shows a Pokemon you want and it isn’t really there. I just want them to…
What are you talking about they haven’t showed anything of it yet! That screenshot is from Skylanders!
Cesar’s way is the equivalent of someone beating you up while you are having a panic attack.
He never uses treats which are the proven positive way to positively associate fear with a positive thing. He is constantly putting dogs over threshold and he is always getting bitten for not reading body language and getting…