
"one minute of strenuous effort, at about 90 percent of a person's maximum heart rate, followed by one minute of easy recovery"

You missed his point completely, its not necessarily the finances.

I have had a Macbook Air for years and never once used an adaptor.

I understand, I just feel that Samsung are opening themselves to a scenario where their products are being watered down and that they would be better spending their energy on hitting and concentrating on fewer models.

Feck - thats why i can never find the perfect photablet!!!!!. You sir, are my mathematical genius.

Yeah .7 of an inch from their multiple other offerings will capture the audience.

I hear what you are saying but..........the 7.73" would be ridiculously small, clearly you don't know your tech. 7.76" or nothing, it's pointless using a tabphonelet otherwise.

Are you in the preference that needs the extra 0.7 of an inch difference on Samsung's other device? I can see where that extra 0.7 of an inch would make the difference.

I think the point of the article is the multiple sizes available. No.


A) Apple didn't release anything and B) almost everyday of every week of every year there are "leaks" on Apple products.

Wow, erm, still not sure after all that what is ridiculous about the phone (you mention the price, the "sheep" that buy it, accessories, none of which make the phone itself ridiculous)? The Air sucks as well? I don't think this conversation is going to go anywhere. Goodnight.

Seriously, this is just plain pathetic. A lot of the comments here saying that Jobs did not deserve this is just sad. You speak with almost anyone in the music industry and he did "make a significant contribution", good or bad, it was a significant contribution, period. Only spot faced teenagers here would argue

"and the iPhone becomes even more ridiculous than it already is."

For the record, the reason monopolies are attacked has nothing to do with innovation, it is all about price control / fixing.

What about an IPad with a Pico projector? You can have the magical experience of an IPad, along with a 100"+ screen, anywhere you want for well under a thousand bucks. You're welcome.

Next they will be saying that Luke didn't bang his sister.

Yep, he would have almost definitely survived had it not been for your post, read his book, he took that kind of shit to heart. Shame on you.

Thats an absurd argument. Theoretically I could start a company tomorrow and employ a million people, by your reckoning I would be bigger than Apple and Google and Microsoft, in my reckoning my company would be shit and bankrupt.

He really did.