
@sethicus1: FYI - you can save yourself a lot of time by installing an app like Cinexplayer. That will play most AV formats from your torrent downloads without having to convert them to IOS format.

If it plays PS3 games - I'm in. I am addicted to Black Ops on my PS3 and travel a lot. Would love to be able to pack this and play multiplayer in my hotel room hooked up to the big screen - probably wishful thinking.

Apple is not everyone's cup of tea but....

This is old news.

At the risk of sounding an absolute tosser, when I walk onto a plane, I always go left. I travel a lot, a hell of a lot. I rack up around 200,000 miles per year and spend most of that time cleaning my email inbox and doing strategic planning. In business class you have that little extra room and almost always (with

Okay, so feelings from my first day of use. I have tried all the bits n bobs on both the IPhone 4 and IPad to my Apple TV. Some points:-

@theplatform: I use myexpatnetwork (GBP5 per month). It acts as a VPN to shield your location and fool the UK providers into believing you are in the UK. The standard channels are then free and are back dated. Sky - you have to have an active account (or friend in the UK with one) to get the paid channels, the free

Is there any chance that in the future VLC (or equivalent) will be able to stream? Can't see it, but that would be the final piece in my home entertainment jigsaw.

Is there any chance that in the future VLC (or equivalent) will be able to stream? Can't see it, but that would be the final piece in my home entertainment jigsaw.

Interesting. I live in the UAE and have just cancelled all my satellite and cable subscriptions in favor of Apple TV, Netflix, UK IPlayers (BBC, ITV, C4 and Sky - all free) and (cough cough) downloads. I now pay zero (with the exception of the occasional last minute rental) and enjoy the TV I want, when I want. I do

@RawheaD: I know it's so unusual for a business to be so rude as to try and make money.......unbelievable...that evil bar steward Jobs!!!!

@darkly: Big respect for someone who cares.

@YerMas: Sorry, meaning how important is WP7 in the development of mobile communications - is it ground breaking? Was the IPhone? Or is it all just progression?

While most of the people on this site were sucking on pacifiers (dummies for the Brits amongst us) and having daipers changed (nappies for the Brits......). I was using "brick phones". The most significant development in mobile phones, bar none, was Blackberry. When Ericson, Motorola and Nokia were fighting it out for

@arahman56: Not sure what you mean, the article is specific to the new MBA and the first para is specific to the new MBA booting up faster than the authors Windows PC. Skitz then goes on to comment that his MB takes just as long as his Vaio - my call is that it is irrelevant, the author is talking about the newly

@Daniel Hinkles: I can only go from personal experience. Only my senior management have been introduced to Apple products, the other 80 or so employees that I have still use Windows (a high percentage of which are now on 7). Our server is still Exchange and the Mac is working well with it. We do have a lot of VPN

@meanhoe: I use Paralels on my current MBA, so see no reason why not on the new ones.