
You’re getting no argument from me here.

The sad part is fundamentalism is fundamentalism everywhere. It’s not a Mulsim-owned property. Just look at the brave men and women in Tehran standing up to the Niqab. Or conversely, Extremist mormon sects would fall afoul of this law too. At the end of the day the burkini is not being worn because it’s fashionable,

Hence the lack of public discourse about it. They don’t typically wear it.

Sure, the burkini is a gendered construct, but it’s part of a larger set of rules that aren’t gendered. A man cannot swim in a full thawb and keffiyeh either. I think the laws are fucked up but they aren’t anti-feminist, in my opinion.

Perhaps their religion shouldn’t label them as sluts and infidels in the first place?

you’d get in trouble if you went swimming in that, yes. Wearing it on the beach, same as a burqa, no.

IN all fairness, this particular issue of clothing relates to women, but the ban of religious clothing knows no particular religion of sex. They ban crucifixes from public schools, yarmulkes, hijabs, you name it.