What we've got here is...

This is an interesting take on McCarthyism. Can you explain it further?

Had he not been able to get it legally through a private sell he very easily could have gotten it illegally through a private seller. This isn’t hard to understand. A deranged person that wants to kill others will find a way.

The headline pic. What the hell is that?

Richard Gere isn’t just some guy with over 100 million dollars. He’s an advocate for equality and all things good. Before you mock him, maybe get to know him a little better. He’s not all that different from you and me.

Andrew, I know that you meant this in jest. Still, it’s not funny. Yes, Millennials are doing more than any other generation to really move the ball downfield on issues such as equality and limiting the scope of the consitution, but many boomers are doing this as well. In fact, Richard Gere has recently been

No idea what you’re talking about, bub. I’m just a big GnR fan. 

This is awesome and something the left and right can celebrate together.

Reality: McConnell knows it’s a childish and stupid nickname and that using childish and stupid nicknames in an attempt to “own” your political opponents makes the users of such childish and stupid nicknames look childish and stupid and therefore pretends to hate it so #Resistance [lol] keeps using it.

Mitch McConnell was more successful during Obama’s tenure than Obama was. Kind of crazy, but entirely true. Thanks.

This law is objectively insulting.

Laughing at obvious political cues is the farthest thing from intelligence.

Supporting terrorism is bad no matter what your reasoning.

Watching John Oliver is the surest sign of zero independent thought and very low functioning or non-existent cognitive ability.

A fair wage would be necessary for that lesson.

Like Bernie for the extremist left, Joe is only running as a shepherd for the centrist left. He will coral them, drop out, and endorse Warren. Then she will lose to Trump in a landslide.

Ireland’s GDP is $333BN. The piece of land itself is 32,595 square miles. There are 4,784,000 people in Ireland. Here’s how the math shakes out...