Damn, just sickening criminality all around.
Damn, just sickening criminality all around.
Sure they can. Grow the fuck up. It’s a word, and CONTEXT is everything. If you are going to go through life allowing words to harm you, you’re simply not going to make it that far, you retard.
Fuck you.
It’s a fucking WORD.
Snowflakes. Fucking grow a pair and realize what the man was trying to do.
So, they got to you too.
No, no - it was entirely intentional.
“Couldn’t sing”.
They were and is a Boy band first and for most in my mind
Yeah, Paul is widely considered one of the greatest bass players of all time.
No, that was George Fucking Harrison, you imbecile. Clapton came in and played a solo, end of. Fuck right off.
Good thing they aren’t still the most beloved musical act of all time or anything, you ridiculous tunt.
This isn’t news.
Careful - she’ll block you for disagreeing with her supreme opinions.
He can’t pace a film to save his life, firstly, so it’s no surprise this tanked, and I can’t see his attempt at Dune faring any better. He’s just awful.
Ugh. More rubbish.
They’ll dry up faster than spittle on a Dallas sidewalk in June, mark my words. This is the beginning of the end.