What a weird and ignorant comment to make.
What a weird and ignorant comment to make.
Yes, but so is commentators spewing a bunch of bad-faith nonsense.
Wow. You're a weapons-grade asshole dude.
And isn’t it pretty common in Japanese popular culture to have partial retellings with variations, alternative continuities, etc. A lot of major brands in anime, manga, and games, have gaidens, or side stories, that do this. We don’t have to see this from the point of view of a Western perspective. How many versions…
“The fact that she’s a Sanders supporter, that she’s weirdly pro-Putin, or that she’s been very effusive in praise of Biden in the past have no bearing on believing her or not believing her, and online harassment is to be shunned in all forms.”
My original comment from a few hours ago was just eaten by the system I guess. Fitting for a NIN post. I was just wondering if anyone else was having trouble downloading the music. I get stuck at the “authorizing payment” page.
Great to add some more Ghosts to the set, but is anyone else unable to download? I get stuck on the payment authorization screen.
Great job on that passive aggression. Keep it up.
Normally, I don’t care too much about aggregate scores, preferring to read individual reviewers I trust but, as it happens, I was playing Fallout: New Vegas just a few days ago, and fell victim to a bug that made it impossible to continue and finish the game (after logging 40 hours on this particular play-through). I…