
Getting this story without relying on my ever-worsening gaming skills and without having it narrated by some Youtube choad gets a big thumbs up from me.

As much as a series as long-lived and many-storied as Dr Who does suffer from Finale Creep, where everything has to mean the most to everyone forever, this delivered on the traditional CrazyFun Master times, obligatory flashback to past lives, and New Toy Line without feeling too overblown or melodramatic. Fam got

Yeah. I quit watching Once Upon A Time because it got really over the top, but I didn’t read recaps or most other articles on it and when I did, I didn’t comment. Although, I also didn’t care if anyone else liked it or how much longer it was on. What I really don’t get is why it matters so much to people.

Gemma Collins claims her tyre [sic] was SLASHED

Gotta call BS on that. I’ve only been drunk a few times in my life, because I choose to remain in control of myself and my behavior. Those few times, I could barely remain upright, but I was still able to keep myself from doing or saying things I would regret.

I’m being particular, I know, but...

Is it possible for someone to end up typecast as an expert in artificial life/intelligence?

The idea the Doctor is “socially awkward” is complete bullshit. Even the new the new one, she is absolutely an extrovert.

For god’s sake it was a joke, and The Visual Effects Society only makes it worse for themselves by complaining and whining about how offended they are by a joke. It is a shit movie, and the effects are terrible. Suck it up, The Visual Effects Society!

Or she’s from a different universe?

It might be worth it to subscribe for a month near the end of Picard’s season and then cancel it when it’s over.

Play your 3DS in 2020, you coward

I get the point of the article, but the fact that arson is always present to a degree (we are talking about a while continent here, this should not be a surprise) kind of goes at odds to the very aggressive “ITS NOT ARSON” tone of the article.

Oh shit, Rickety Cricket’s staring in it!

Battlefront 2 had a Single Player Campaign that was done really well in my opinion

ED ’13 was good, though.

I agree, “dog” and “cat” years come taking a typical lifespan of 10-12 years and comparing it to the typical human lifespan of 70-80 years, giving you about ~7 human years for each “dog” or “cat” year. But developmental milestones (e.g., sexual maturity) and variance (e.g., the maximum lifespan) do not directly scale

The answer to “Will there be a second season?” is, of course, “Yes, if they give us a dump truck full of money.” But that also doesn’t mean the first season can’t be self-contained — I imagine that Watchmen will be similar to True Detective or Fargo, with each season self-contained, but set in the universe.

It’s a remake of the Midgar section of the game and it took like fifty years to get close to release. Nothing bad is ever going to happen to Aerith because they’ll never make it that far into the game.

In honor of this fantastic release, I found a sealed copy of AOEII from release, perfect addition to my big box collection.