
The ex-VW owner probably comes out ahead in the long-run.

Just thought it would embiggen the cromulence of my reply, is all.

id like to see the steam version get its own workshop support. maybe that way people can mod hd models and textures in. maybe even better geometry. just give the old game modern graphics and we will never be ripped off by EA again... that or maybe theyll learn how to make a decent battlefront game that isnt just a

This is a bunch of libturd cuck nonsense. There is no division within the Trump administration. Everyone is singularly focused on Making America Great again, and the fakenews PC narrative can’t handle it. Look, here Kushner (left) and Bannon (guess) are at a recent #MAGA rally, does this look like a sign of

I’d also point out that you’re making your hot dogs all wrong. First you open the bun, add the condiments you want. Then you add the dog on top of the condiments. The dog keeps the mustard and relish in the bun and off your shirt.

“The Offside Rule can happen at absolutely any time! #wow”

So dramatic. Here’s an explanation: we have a thing called “blips” that redirect your attention elsewhere, often for short news items “DLC is out!” or, like in this case, if we updated a DIFFERENT, FULL-LENGTH STORY. As it happens, the link here forwards you to the place where you can read in more detail what we’re

Don’t you fucking dare. They’re not online hackers, they’re literally just modders.

Well Mr.Sucks@readingcomp. That phrase refers to the time period when he thought of the idea to squash the bug and when he actually squashed it. That’s a total of about maybe 5 seconds if we are being generous. That leaves plenty of time for thought before said action....say when he was talking to his friends about it

I know some people like it but I would lose some respect for nintendo if they did.

I hear that 69 can really hit the Great Red Spot.

It would be 3 generations, the xbonex shouldn’t be considered a different one from the regular xbone.

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you made my day thank you from the botto of my heart

I mean, it’s a fun time from what I remember, but it just doesn’t feel like a Dead Space game. The tone isn’t as hopeless and dark. What really kills it is the way you can customize and combine weapons - you can make absurdly powerful weapons that trivialize the enemies and difficulty. I’m a firm believer that

Woof, buddy. I hate to do it to you but Borderlands isn’t so original itself.

MH did this for Wii U...oh wait a min...

If you copied a game to your system and then sold it off you have in fact pirated that game.

I have two kids. I love my kids.

So what you’re saying is that he is looking for a true PAL.