Counterpoint: there are a wide variety of learning disabilities, some of which would bear on this matter, others of which would not.
The chronology is totally unimportant, since the whole thing is there’s always a Link, always a Zelda and always Ganon(dorf), and how it’s the same story with different circumstances. The order it takes place in is totally unimportant and inconsequential. The universe is, by design, totally unshackled by the…
I have never thought of the Zelda games as ever having any sort of chronological timeline I have just always viewed them more as fables and stories handed down. Kind of like Greek Mythology no real timeline just a collection of stories that are told yeah I know there is some semblance of a timeline in the mythology…
Geeze.. more timeline bullshit. Might as well make a fictional timeline for all the Tetris variations for what it’s worth.
It’s cute how people seem to think that Zelda has a timeline.
PC master race here I come! Screw the console companies and their plan to have their consoles iterate like Iphones. F U.
I can do it in 1:25 without trying. And I’m old. You can do it.
No, a half-marathon is NOT “more than four times longer than” a 5K. It is more than four times AS LONG AS a 5K. In order for it to be four times longer than a 5K, it would need to be the length of one 5K plus an additional four times the length of one 5K, in other words 1x5K+4x5K, or 25K total, which it isn’t.
I own a PC and a Wii U, only reason for the latter is the exclusives. If I’m going to pick up a PS4 ever, it’s also going to be for the exclusives.
Stardew is $15
I fully support Benzies in this... unless R* decides to release RDR for PC. If that happens, then I fully support R*.
“Ears of Corn 4”
Again, another case of pirates getting the better product than the people who actually pay for the game.
If you see or read all the other things he, May and Hammond have done on tv books and newspaper articles, you realize they are all far more inteligent that what they appear to be on top gear.
Meh, such problems are easy to solve with a little technical knowledge.
Unless it’s a sex minigame.