Making the game “easier” is a slippery slope. Where do you stop? What is the defined standard for how easy a game is?
Making the game “easier” is a slippery slope. Where do you stop? What is the defined standard for how easy a game is?
Kyle Katarn steals the plans for the first Death Star in Dark Forces. Dash Rendar steals the plans for the second Death Star in Shadow of the Empire.
I had the same thought when I saw Mos Eisley (that’s not Dark Forces!) and I had to decipher the article because it’s really badly written - even now that it’s been edited it’s not much clearer.
The term pepper pot would absolutely have been in common usage in 1963 - the objects themselves have been around since at least the 1920s and 1963 is also the year Doctor Who started and the world was introduced to the Daleks, which were almost immediately likened to pepper pots.
I just said basically the same thing in another comment here - that if he wanted to kill a black person because he was racist he wouldn’t have to wait for a friend to be raped to go out looking for one. To me it sounded like he had a vague physical description of the rapist and was hoping that any black person who…
I took it to mean that he was hoping it would be the same person - as in he didn’t have any way of identifying the person other than a vague physical description so he was hoping that any random black person who picked a fight with him would also be the rapist.
I took it to mean that he was looking for anyone who fit the physical description of the rapist in the hope that it would be the right person - I mean if he hated black people so much that he wanted to kill one, he wouldn’t have needed the excuse of a friend being raped to start prowling the streets.
How can you be roasting it one last time if you’ve never watched it before?
That is literally what the article says. Clickbait or not, it’s trying to draw your attention to a pretty good video so you should give that a chance.
Timely article for me because I’m actually replaying RE4 this weekend in preparation for the RE2 remake.
It has not been in a Humble Bundle but I think it was Fanatical’s daily deal at some point recently, maybe a couple of times. I first had it on Wii, then got it on Steam and then just last week bought it on PS4 because I haven’t got around to playing the HD version on PC yet and I think I’m more likely to start it on…
I’ve got a soft spot for FF IV - I didn’t have the SNES version; I first played it on the PSX, and then I had After Years on the Wii, but I also have the PSP remaster and the DS remake, which I quite like - and that’s also the version that’s on Steam, which I also have.
Yep, same here. Still have the original PSX version, which I’ve played on PSX, PS2 and PS3, but also rebought it on PSN when it became available on PS3 and have played that digital copy on PS3, PSP and Vita. I also used to have the original PC version, which I got so that I could play it on my laptop (which wasn’t a…
You know you can sell them, trade them or give them away, right?
Yeah, I actually had spare keys for the Transformers games at some point and then traded them for some other games, thinking ‘I can always get more copies’, and then not long after they were removed from sale. I’m not too bothered because I would probably never get around to playing them, but if I did buy them now it…
I remember the PSP Brick Trojan. That wasn’t necessarily made by Sony - saying it was is a bit of a conspiracy theory; it’s just as, if not more, likely that it was made by some malicious (or even just inept) coder.
Yeah, most PC games do only get digital releases these days, but even the physical releases just come with codes that need activating on Steam/Origin/UPlay/, which are obviously one-use only and can’t be resold, so digital vs physical is a moot point when it comes to PC games - there hasn’t really…
Damn, I love my hacked Vita. I only got it a year ago and I think it’s had more play time than my Switch. It works especially well with a hacked PS3, so that I can add remote play support to PS3 games that weren’t officially given it and play them on the Vita. It’s really helped with my last-gen backlog.
I didn’t know anything about this but when I saw the article title I thought ‘Please be ArmA III’ and it was so now I’m very happy.
I like the idea of ArmA, but I just can’t do games where the gameplay and controls have that level of granularity.