
It’s not that weird to call it fake - it’s a 2.5D engine, also known as a pseudo-3D engine, which is not that far from saying fake 3D.

Well I’m about to resubscribe so I’ll find out. But I’m guessing it doesn’t include DLC so I’m probably not going to sell my copy of Bloodborne as it’s the GOTY edition.

Yeah, thanks, been corrected multiple times already. Really wish I could edit that post now. I guess I’ve only ever had monthly subscriptions and never had one after the other so I’ve always lost access to the previous month’s games anyway.

I guess I don’t. I must have only ever had monthly subscriptions and never had one after the other so I’ve always lost access to the previous month’s games. If I resubscribe will I regain access to all the games I previously claimed?

Wait, so if my subscription runs out I lose access to all the Monthly games, but then if I resubscribe will I be able to play all the ones I’ve previously claimed again? Or just the ones from that moment forward?

You do realise you don’t get to keep the digital copy you get with Plus, right? You’ll only have it for March, so if you trade in your physical copy now you won’t own the game at all in April.

It’s a pretty standard way of doing demos these days - it works really well with digital distribution as there’s only one download package to manage, with and without the demo restrictions, and means that when a user has completed the demo it can just pop up a ‘Buy now’ button which they’re more likely to use because

What about Ni No Kuni?

For minor lacerations? I think someone needs an intervention...

I wasn’t talking about what requires skill and what doesn’t, I was talking about what is a speedrun and what isn’t.

Minor lacerations detected.

The Hobbit is 48fps (twice the usual framerate of movies), not 60fps.

Yep, been waiting for WarCraft IV since I saw the end credits roll on WarCraft III. I don’t know what all this ‘World of WarCraft’ nonsense is about.

Yeah, I just said essentially the same thing elsewhere. The demand is there - it’s already got a substantial install base, apparently great third party support - and presumably it isn’t that hard to develop for, so why not just announce and release on the Switch at the same time as everything else, rather than doing a

One day we’re going to get Switch release dates announced alongside other platforms’ release dates, instead of a third party game being released on everything else first and then the Switch as an afterthought.

Next month - Division update adds cool new screenshot mode.

Yeah, what were they expecting? Real world money, fame and fortune for something that anyone could unlock in a video game? I don’t get how these arbitrary values get assigned to in-game items - like if a cool looking sword that has higher attack at the cost of health regen isn’t worth it, what is? Armour for Agro?

What’s that got to do with anything?

Yeah, to me a speedrun is playing through the entire game as quickly as possible, and all the memorisation, skill, rehearsal and luck it takes to be able to do that.

At this point, I’d just love to see a digital re-release of BfME I & II on Origin, but even that is unlikely to happen due to the complicated licensing issues of such things.