
“...it would be an “incredible victory” at a time when short-sellers and critics are increasingly doubting the company’s ability..”

Correct. It’s even marked in your account as delivered to the Post Office’s address rather than your own. (Even though the destination was originally listed as you.)

Forced arbitration is not legal if one party is knowingly using it to cover up illegal practices. It runs counter to basic contractual law, where if one party is acting illegally prior to the signing of the contract then the contract’s protections are null and void. You can’t sell it if you stole it type scenario, nor

Wasn’t Deep Impact just a front to divert that comet? Conspiracy theorists, discuss amongst yourselves.

In the U.S. I believe the “chilled double cream” would be called “Whipping Cream” in the dairy section. There is “heavy cream” but most grocery stores will also have the “Whipping cream” next to it. Both are in liquid form, not the fluffy form of the canned variety.

This tech was already demonstrated for Colin Powell in the early 2000's. It has been in use by the military and spy agencies for almost two decades now.

This is military tech. This tech was demonstrated for Colin Powell in the early 2000's. The demonstration was to show that eventually all verbal communications could now be compromised in real time. That this tech could also be used for propaganda and psyops.

Long story short. Yes. The guy running the current round of TED talks would probably disagree with you on the claim that smell is faster than hearing though. (Yes, I was just using a rudimentary reference to an NPR TED talk.)

Mmmm....Zardoz, the film that is a metaphor for how the ultra rich view the rest of the world. Warring barbarians best left to their own devices and allowed to kill each other over the scraps. The weapons are “given” never “sold”. To allow one of those barbarians among them would be the downfall of their utopia, aka

What will really blow your mind is that all that fuzzy logic is designed to interpret what is essentially a reality that is already in the past. All the incoming visual info is fractions of a second old, take fractions of a second to travel pathways to the brain and then fractions of a second to process. So your brain

I’ve always understood deja vu to be the experience of repeating an experience you’re sure you’ve never experienced before, not so much a premonition. Just the old, I’ve done this before and it’s repeating itself. AKA a reality loop.

I think most shootings have a standard death rate.

Nope, I remember some article citing that white collar executive males had a correlation between higher rates of cunnilingus and the contraction of oral HPV. I think the article also posited that it may have been due to a higher likelihood of using “escorts” and orally pleasuring them.

4th time in seven years. Only 25 killed in that span, complacency has set in.

Any more background on her? From what I understand she did all this globe trotting on her own ticket, has a Harvard background and is essentially well off enough to pursue this farce.

You left out oral cancer. Which has an above average rate among white collar executives.

This statement is so broad and ambiguous in application that it itself could be considered fascist. Also, I’m pretty sure that first sentence described despotism, not fascism.

I’m curious as to how the author arrived at the conclusion that the NRA is neo-fascist? Hardline on maintaining the integrity of an amendment, maybe, neo-fascist? Mmmmm......smells of pandering to the other extreme. So would this article be neo-anarchist media style?

The same can be said about any item capable of killing another human being. The argument against guns is pedantic in a world where we still see areas ruled by the club and knife.

Also, what’s up with the band playing an alternate version of “Taps” instead of playing the National Anthem music?