Fact Robot

I like her- but I totally agree. I'd really prefer if this were a series of shorts ala the aeon flux shorts.

It looks like Suicide Squad: a series of very nice looking music video-length clips.

Criticism of whitewashing only ever makes sense as a labor argument, but most of the people against it don't talk in terms of labor, because they're liberals.

The other characters are played much broader than they are in other episodes though. Boak directed his block badly. He was kinda put in a bad position by dint of being the first director to touch NuWho, but that doesn't change the fact that his direction let down scripts that could have been much better.

No I'm pretty sure the work he does here is bad, and it was his decision to lean on it so hard because he was kind of the director and shit like that is within his purview. It was probably present in the script, but he'd be the one telling everyone to play it like a panto.

Is it weird that I'd totally wear a top that looked like that if I were a woman?