
And sometimes happy accidents happen where something takes on a deeper meaning than even the authors intended.

The show did seem to lose the virus cure thread. They did say the cure worked but then they show nothing more about it.

I really like this show, though I thought the whole Killgrave story line would have been better if it was only about 8 episodes long. To fill all 13 episodes there was too lunch of "almost got him" that got annoying for me.

That is what they charged him with when they cuffed him: felony murder.


Or was he just too trusting that doing the right right would be met with good faith? I don't know. But a lawyer would have gotten an immunity deal for the information.

If there is a quick lesson to be learned from the first episode, it is ALWAYS ask for a lawyer. No matter how good your intentions, they can be turned against you or those you love.

So they are fair targets?

Is it not discussed because it strains credulity or because people just assume that is how it is?

I find it interesting no one questions that the CIA is headquartered in the US Embassy.