
You’re making this look like America’s dumbest generation. Millennials living up to their reputation. Complaining about how good they have it. Fucking best education on the planet, opening doors of opportunity 99.999% of humans that have ever existed couldn’t dream of, and this is what they do with it: Whine?!?

The poor snowflakes, they got into Yale and now nobody is giving them special attention on a daily basis.

Rousey is without question the most overrated fighter in the history of the world. The UFC got into womens fighting a few years after they should have. They strapped her up put her in make up and have rolled out the job squad ever since. While having her be the face of the league. She is the epitomy of a TV champion

Making her work in a Toll Booth is Juster wrong.

I like you.

Flagged for hate speech.

Excuse me? You cannot label me that way.

Media folks like those at Jezebel will protect her. They even let her “best friend” write a Jezebel article!

Found the delusional SJW, everyone!

Awesome. This is the only way to fight the feminist-industrial complex. They must be held accountable for their lies.

Good for them. Seriously.

Rolling Stone should countersue.

Don’t want Rolling Stone to fall but also they should have done their fact checking even using a freelance reporter. I am surprised they can not sue the journalist directly as well.

Probably should sue you and Jezebel for libel while they are at it.