Land of the Rising SAAB

If you’re buying a Lotus for their interiors, you’re doing it wrong. You’re lucky it has any interior at all.

I guess basing the Carlton on the IS wouldn’t be quite as horrible as basing it on the Vauxhall Omega, but I don’t see a need to revive that monstrosity.

So DRLs being a new technology are better than DRLs being an old technology, how? Please do explain. While you’re at it, explain why seat belts aren’t less safe now that the novelty has worn off.

But they already have Toyota reliability and Lotus handling. Although I could see some advantages to having access to Lotus having access to Toyota’s R&D budget.

Modern ones use Toyota engines. I believe the Evora uses a Camry engine and I know the Elise used a Celica engine (both modified of course). Mechanically, they’re pretty sound. I’ve heard that the monocoque on the Elise/Exige can be incredibly expensive to repair after minor collisions, but I don’t know if the Evora

That’s pretty cool. I’m gonna have to hunt down a Saab specialist to turn off the damn shift light.

All kinds of shit, but not novelty. I’m not convinced you even know what that word means with the way you’re using it.

Well we have conflicting studies so I guess more research needs to be done.

How do you reprogram that?

My car actually does just that, but I don’t think that’s at all the best solution. Light bulbs burn out and if the root cause is that people can’t tell whether or not their lights are on, you could still very easily end up in a situation where you’re unknowingly driving around without lights on.

Novelty doesn’t influence crash rates.

That is in fact exactly how the Saabs sold in America are supposed to work. The only effect the switch has is on whether or not the lights come on while the key is in the off position. I thought my switch was broken until I started looking into how to fix it.

Oh i know. I’m pointing out that DRLs aren’t the problem and there’s no reason they need to go away.

Nah. As long as your pipe is in your shifting hand, it’s pretty easy to hold the wheel and your beer in the other hand.

That must be the secret experiment.

The downside is that DRLs have been linked to a reduction in collisions because cars with lights on are more noticeable.

Saab did this. They actually included a headlight switch that does, for all practical purposes, nothing because anytime the car is running, the lights are on. It’s actually gotten me in the habit of always turning my headlights on in any other car too.

A heat gun and a hair dryer do exactly the same thing (blow hot air) using the exact same method (resistive heater and a fan). One just does it better than the other.

To fair, two things being functionally identical doesn’t make them the same thing nor does one make the other obsolete. I mean a hair dryer and a heat gun are functionally identical, but you still need both around. There are good reasons you’d choose one over the other.

Beautiful day, if I’ve ever seen one.