Land of the Rising SAAB

My guess is they mean it will have a higher top speed and maybe even faster acceleration in a straight line, not that it will be faster around a track.

The reason a lot of those 5-6 year loans go upside down is because people put little to nothing down. If you put even 5k down on an average priced car, you likely won’t ever go under water unless we’re talking ze Germans.

The fourth gen was the last one that didn’t feel heavy in the corners. That coupled with no LSD meant understeer city. That said, I’ve only driven the v6's, the 4-cyl may be better.

Yes you are a rate exception. Mine was on its third by 130k and I a) babied it from the day I got it and b) drove basically nothing but highway miles.

And if he doesn’t laugh at it, one must turn and show him a nice spread-cheeked butthole. Everyone thinks buttholes are funny.

Whatever I have, apparently you and your wife have it worse. Please don’t care for animals anymore.

So despite their name being on a real, actual car, they still haven’t made a real, actual car? Baby steps, I suppose...

Because everyone thinks it’s different if you’ll "only be a couple minutes..."

I’m sure the person in this story also said, “I’ll only be five minutes and the windows are cracked.” Bottom line is that it’s never acceptable and your wife should have taken the dog home if she knew she was going somewhere that she’d be leaving it in the car. She deserved to get confronted.

I keep the interior pretty much spotless because that’s where i spend all my time enjoying my car. But I rarely spend more than half hour cleaning the exterior.

To be fair, the acceleration on rockets is limited to about 6 g’s to avoid damaging payload or causing the crew to black out. Remember, the Saturn V up there was accelerating like that for several minutes, not 4 seconds.

The only time battery voltage actually correlates to state of charge is when they’re not discharging. This is a fact of science. Don’t know what you want me to tell you..

Must have been something they eight.

Unfortunately, you can’t exactly tell how charged a battery is just by measuring its voltage. It’s especially inaccurate if the battery is currently discharging so on the scenario you just described, it would be basically useless.

My 99 9-3 just has the headlights on all the time and although I initially thought there was a broken sensor (because Saab) turns out that’s Just how they work. It’s not a bad feature until i get into a rental car and forget to turn my headlights on since it’s not something i ever do.

Thank god no one that’s into stanced cars will ever have anything close to a career that’s respectable enough to afford to do something like that.

Relatable in the sense that I could totally get a beer with him without wanting to punch him in his stupid face.

Matt isn’t super interesting, but somehow he comes across very relatable. There are moments when he’s a lot of fun to watch and There are others that just come across painfully scripted.

Too much Tim Horton’s will do that to anyone.