
If 4x4 is bad why do you recommend a x6 32000?

If 4x4 is bad why do you recommend a x6 32000?

He was a sysadmin who’s job was to migrate legacy systems to a more secure area, for exactly the reason you mentioned. Too much access was given without checks. The vulnerability was identified and the Agency entrusted a few administrators with this extra-special access to move all the data over. Then he went rogue

Snowden was a sysadmin, he didn’t “do this for a living” he just vacuumed up a bunch of info without context, misinterpreted it then sold it to the highest bidder while controlling the narrative that he was a ‘whistleblower’

He is the worrrst

Yeah, he hasn't hacked anyone. He was just a network admin

Snowden was a sysadmin, he didn't "do this for a living" he just vacuumed up a bunch of info without context, misinterpreted it then sold it to the highest bidder while controlling the narrative that he was a 'whistleblower'