Opting out of a contract isn’t remotely the same thing as quitting a job. Opting out is a normal and intended part of the labor market of professional sports.
Opting out of a contract isn’t remotely the same thing as quitting a job. Opting out is a normal and intended part of the labor market of professional sports.
Kosuke Fukudome??? Holy shit
Well, yes, I imagine if he had success proving collusion, he’d be entitled to damages. But I think what he wants is a job!
I look forward to reading From Butt Fumble to What?! Fumble?!: An Oral History of the Jets.
You could even say that he...
Paul Feig? The MRAs are convinced he’s part of a feminist conspiracy because he makes movies with women, and his favourite colour is purple (they insist his mother raised him as a woman). He seems secure in his masculinity.
Tom Hanks? The Rock?
Is it such a revelation that men in a position of power in Hollywood (or anywhere...) are predatory?
I recall the incident that forced Seagal to flee the country for Serbia were reports of him keeping *virtual sex slaves* in his dressing room trailer. Foreign nationals whose passports he held.
No, but now we can add “asian throne” to the ever-growing list of ersatz “casting couches.”
Steven Seagal is under siege and on deadly ground for his fire down below. He thought he was above the law and hard to kill. But his accuser is out for justice.
Fuck now I can’t read my own joke without doing an exaggerated Dennis Miller impression/head bob
I haven’t seen an orangeman cause this much chaos for the national scene since every day this year.
I’ve also read the old guy said “respect.” Either way, you’re an idiot punch another person at a sporting event, concert of any other place where there are a bunch of witness and cameras. Unless he’s wearing a Trump shirt. Then, by all means, have at him.
And the immediate reaction of lily white Kyle Adam was to lash out violently on behalf of latinos? Think this puts the “spic” thing to rest. What white guy you know is going to immediately throw punches in that situation?
No. You don’t hit anybody unless they’ve instigated a physical confrontation. There are better, more mature ways to take the fucker down. Use your words.
Jeff Pulaski needs retro stars.
Can’t spell Maraghy without Magary.