
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

How are umps supposed to know the written rules when they’ve got to know all these unwritten rules?

If the Nats and Indians met in the World Series would it ever end?

You’re new to this.

Mets fans? You’re annoyed by someone else hating their own team?

“Sad story but I’m going to be an asshole anyway.”

They named him Jagr

It sucked they had to go sit in the box for 2 minutes afterward for hooking

It was worth it for their pizza mind.

They got New Mexico to pay for it.

Well they could break bad and do it anyway in spite of the legal implications.

Did you really knead to go there?

Charge people to come on to their property, charge people who want to throw a pizza. Make a little Breaking Bad museum in the garage. Sell your own souvenirs, rent out the back yard for pool parties etc.

>> Also, they apparently keep stealing their rocks.

Maybe the first stop on the tour is for meth?

You clearly have forgotten that fucking pet rocks were a thing.

I wonder how much dough they had to raise to build the fence.

He tried to get Jurgen fired in 2013 for clearing out his dead weight buddies. He quit in a snit to find himself. Then he comes back, can’t play 90 anymore but still plants stories in the press saying Jurgen is making it personal by not building the team around his washed up ass. He was a locker room cancer.

Hey, don’t blame this on Omar Bradley! He may not have ever beaten Trinidad & Tobago, but he did beat the nazis.

I feel bad for saying it, but this video is so satisfying.