"Sorry about the boner sir. I'm just a really big Pats fan."
"Sorry about the boner sir. I'm just a really big Pats fan."
Sorry, but is he wearing Vans? Did he skate to the courthouse?
the growing and growing amounts of people every day who idiotically like to claim that analytics are the "say-all, end-all" argument
I wasn't claiming they were.
I don't know that there's mountains of research on it but it's basically just a common sense thing. The Royals swept through the playoffs last year but wouldn't have made it if they hadn't won a single playoff game against the A's. Short series reward different things than a 162 game season as rotations get shortened…
Nobody I've ever seen who thinks Beane did a great job has a problem considering that and they have easy, sensible answers to it. Chiefly that the playoffs tend to be a crapshoot with largely random outcomes and that Beane's methods unquestionably gave the A's the most bang for the buck. The fact that the teams who…
Cool thing about arguing with yourself is you get to determine the strength of your opponents position.
Well, you sure tore that straw man to shreds.
"I'm happier here in Oklahoma City."
Salt Lake City, Detroit or Oklahoma City, huh?
I wouldn't say "no reason"
WildaBeast here.
Thanks Kenny - it's really good to have your support, especially when I'm constantly surround by reminders of OH GOD THE HUMMUS JOKES
I understand LeBron has an issue with the guy. But surely there was a more professional way to go about this then sitting in the locker room mumbling "nowhammy,nowhammy,nowhammySTOP!"
"You don't mess with the Whammy."
Dear English media and supporters,
In England that can't seem to decide if he is the real deal or a fluke. Is he Kurt Warner or is Mark Fidrytch?
But, that's dishonest. Presumably you liked your ex, at least at first, and thought she was cool and attractive and all that. When you pretend that's not true, you're establishing that what you say to your girlfriend is a filtered and spun version of the truth, because she knows better than to think you dated someone…
I've been married for seven years, and my wife and I were together for six years before that. If she were the sort of person who set conversational traps, none of that would be true.