
Not every piece of advice works for every person, and sometimes people with more severe issues will not benefit from advice/therapies/methods of thinking that could be helpful for others. Some of us just need things like this pointed out every once in a while because we fall into the bad habit of dwelling on our past

Do you understand the difference between a “hypothesis” and a “belief”?

Sure. So what the fuck do you want them to mean?

You repurposed his words, you weren’t quoting him. You own those words just as much as he does, so I’m asking you.

Define “more evolved” - that sounds like a term so vague that it’s meaningless. It’s entirely possible that we wipe ourselves out and take most large animals with us - are we “more evolved” than the insects and bacteria that will inherit the Earth, having survived what our supposedly supremely evolved selves could not?

I also very much hope that Trump doesn’t nuke him, especially because he’s one of the few leaders that could nuke us right back.

Burneko’s got the thinnest skin on here - point out a flaw in one of his less well thought out takes and he’ll delete your post and block you, or accuse you of being a troll (when obviously he’s the one trolling). Pretty weak if you ask me - I tend to avoid his posts now.

I’d say this whole situation is about 90% the Red Sox’s fault, and I’m not a fan of either team (and I don’t take my sports overly seriously anyway). Your posts have made it pretty clear that you’re a Boston homer - don’t you ever find it odd that so many neutral fans tend to side against your team for their idiocy?

And Russia, don’t forget Russia! An official ban on executions doesn’t mean much if they just literally murder you instead.

This is bad advice. Very, very bad advice.

That’s 1 in 40, not 1 in 50.

Depends on the state.

Sure it does - I’m guessing you also don’t live in Mexico and as such probably have an overly cynical view on this. Not saying you’re wrong, you could be right, but I doubt you’re the best judge here.

Iceland is most definitely full of white boys (like... pretty much every guy there). Not Trump supporters though, which is a huge plus.

Subpar cuisine? My friends and I found the food there to be pretty amazing - the people you’ve talked to must have been going to the wrong places (or made the tourist mistake of trying hakarl).

Why is the San Antonio / Miami quote a dumb quote? Seems pretty clear that what he’s saying is essentially “each of those teams will beat any team in the other conference except each other, but each may face a somewhat tough matchup within its own conference”. Basically, the only way one of them doesn’t win is if they

What am I missing here? Why is this a dumb quote?

You could also have titled this article “If You Need to Follow These Instructions, You Should Probably Look For a New Job Immediately”

Representatives of a human rights-violating nation who invite socially aware NFL players in a hope that they can twist their views? Agreed, those guys are idiots.

Weird, right? It’s almost like that’s part of his job or something...